Limit 67 Turbo?

Darth LC2

Muscle Building
Dec 17, 2002
Does anyone know if Limit still makes their 67 turbos? I was talking to Red Armstrong and he was kind of in doubt about that turbo still being offered. I'm still knid of in question about whether I was going with the 67, 6776, or the 45a. I was kind of leaning toward the lt-67 for cost constraint reasons. I heard that the 67 will run harder on the street than a 45 will and also achieve my goals of a mid 10 sec. et. Is that true? Any and all info is apprecciated as I need to hurry up and make a decision. Thanx.
Do a search... right now there are probably 3-4 threads concerning these turbos.... most of 'em say that the 67 is they way to go... if i had the cheese i would definately get the 67 P-Trim [which is the 6776 you mentioned fyi] i dont think you could go wrong with that - especially if you had enough $$$ to buy the ball bearing option you would have the best of both worlds [street/strip]
I did do a search and you're right. The genneral thought is that the 67 is the way to go even tho red thinks it is the 45 that is the winner. Both turbos appear to have what i need for mid tens. I just need to call limit tomorrow to see if they still manufacture the 67. Unless somebody on the board could answer that question.
I bought my TE67 about a year ago from Eric at B & E customs. It is a limit engineering turbo.