JDPOLZIN is the BEST!!!!! I love him, I want to make out with him

We took my brothers truck to oklahoma city yesterday (sunday) and traded it for a 68 dodge a100 van. There was a tornado yesterday in the north end of the city and today the south end was wiped out. We left the truck 12 miles northeast of that school you will see if you turn on any news channel. Guy said its path went 2 miles from his house (which was leveled in 99). That city has terrible luck.
Oh!!! I know what you said! You should post that on FB bob. This place is reserved for your half cocked ideas, and poking fun at your buddy's that are 3-8 hours away. Not once in that rambling did you talk about drinking, picking up chicks/dudes, or mustang fails. I'm just saying I'm getting tired of b-punching you... Not!!!!

Yes, it is tragic what happened. My prayers go out to all the people affected by the tornado. I did see a post that there are turbo Buick brothers in that area. I don't watch the news, but I have heard some of the stories. I am glad that you are safe bob. I might even go back and actually read what you posted.
Yeah I've been in a bummed out mood all day thinking about all those poor kids and parents. Wish I could go down there and help try to find survivors. I wanted to leave all night and drive down there.
I've only heard bits and pieces since I got back....sounds horrible...like Parkersburg Iowa...with many more dead. Sucks. I heard that in one of the elementary schools they found a pick up truck in the hallway....under it was a teacher on top of 3 kids....gave her life trying to protect them. Unreal.
I've only heard bits and pieces since I got back....sounds horrible...like Parkersburg Iowa...with many more dead. Sucks. I heard that in one of the elementary schools they found a pick up truck in the hallway....under it was a teacher on top of 3 kids....gave her life trying to protect them. Unreal.

I heard that too. Horrible, but nice to know that there are good people out there. Just too bad they had to be taken early.

I can appreciate your feelings too, Jeremy.
I'll be making a road trip down south soon. I would grab a root-beer, but that's not going to happen. I wonder how many parts I can pick up for Polzin???
Gonna get a good storm tonight, good spankin weather.

Bob, a 5.3 is good for a driver. No balls though. Get the 6.0. and you can pull all the crappy vans you want. Pulled a mustang and a heavy as tilt bed trailer with mine, seemed to do pretty good. It's got that fancy k&n intake and dual exhaust that adds a bajillion hp. No I didn't put it on, it was already there. You all know I'm to cheap to spend that kind of money on nonsense for a dd.
Nope. Popped the hood and it was already on there. Same with the shitty redneck exhaust and all the other bullshit. Fuckin truck is all decked out and can't even play a fuckin cd
Anyone that thinks this thread is off topic and crazy wild would be apalled at what is in the private conversations, one of which is up to page 40.
I can get all the free accessories I want. Pretty much anything that someone might leave on a trade in, has been left on a trade in here from time to time and we can either have it free or damn cheap. I don't own anything worth putting accessories on though :(
I still have yet to figure out how some people make payments on two new vehicles and pay for a 150-200k house. I can barely afford the shit I got but yet I know people that make less than I do and have a better bigger house and drive newer cars. How the hell does that work?
It's called living in debt and not giving a fuck who has to pay for it after they die.......that's how.
I think these are the same types of people that buy generic food, generic toilet paper, eat a pile of lettuce and call it supper, and never do anything outside of work and home. We dont' get to do shit either, but at least we don't have to buy walmart mac n cheese and generic potato chips
Out here it's well known that the people who look like they have the most money have the least, and vice versa.