Issue with kirban? Anyone have this before?

Aug 21, 2006
Well before I start I want to say I'm not here to bash anyone just wondering if this has happened to anyone before a couple months ago I bought a few things from kirban performance and everything went well. Got my parts quick as always great to deal with the day after I ordered I paid my credit card in full then a couple weeks later I get my bill it says I owe 101$ so I call the card company and they say some one in pa bought movie tickets with my card the day after I bought my parts well I don't live there and I the last time I used this card was at kirban and I just did it odd that the day after I buy from there my some one in that area buys 100$ of movie tickets but now the time has come to get more parts I'd like to order from kirban but I am a little nervous the card company did give me my money back but I'm Shure if this happens everytime I order parts they won't be so understanding has anyone had this happen to them I would like to keep getting parts from there but I'm very unsure now
You may have bought at Kirbans the day before fraud charges, but unless that was the only place you spent money in a very long time it is hard to tell. Did you order online? Any other browser windows open at the time? Are you using wi-fi? All could be issues where someone could have gotten your info. Either that or Dennis needed movie tix.

Just kidding. I wouldn't be afraid to order thru him again, but maybe use a land line?
I ordered online and I used my laptop I have my own wifi connection and I didn't speak to kirban about it I dont want to burn any bridges type thing becuase I do like getting my stuff from there if no one else has had these issues ill be more then happy to try again maybe it was a one time thing or who knows my idea of this post is just to see if anyone else has had anything happen if I'm the only one then it may have been an issue with my own comp and its security
I get parts from Dennis all the time. I'm sure Dennis just needed to see a movie and your card was on top. I think he got me for some popcorn on one of my invoices one time! :D His operation is secure and the people that work there have been there since the start of time. I'll be there for his open house this year so make sure you order parts around then Dennis and I are due for a steak dinner! :p I kid I kid!
Just my humble opinion, but if you don't want to burn bridges, maybe you should have handled it privately with him, not put it out on public forum.
I would think by asking the public on there experances is hardly burning bridges just wondering what people's experiences have been I wouldn't think that would be bad it's not like I'm bashing him and if everyone is saying he's a good guy then so be it I will keep buying parts from him I just wanted to know what everyone else thought of that company
Wow,I have a similar story.I bought from ebay paid with with paypal got my parts an stuff an a few days later,I get a movie card pre paid for hundred bucks.low an behold it was my hundred bucks,so I called the bank they concealed my card, so I don't think it was kirbans just happen that way.
I would let Dennis know, it's always possible an employee could be the issue and he would certainly want to know. Dennis Kirban is one of the premier vendors for these cars and personally has a cavernous theater in his mansion- he sure don't go to the movie theaters, the popcorn is way to salty. Of course I'm kidding and it's no laughing matter. Be sure to give him the specific's.
What town in PA were the movie tickets bought in?
What town is Kirbans in?

PA is big place. If it was within a few miles of Kirbans then it would appear a little fishy but still doesn't mean anything.

I've bought over hundreds of dollars worth of stuff on a few occasions and never had a problem.

Most of the time a coincidence isn't a coincidence at all, but sometimes, coincidences, are just that.

I have bought several parts from Dennis over the years with no issues, but I always call and order direct instead of using the Internet, less chance of something like this happening.
Unfortunately i went on a shopping spree a few months ago had done business with a few vendors wont mention names and my identity was stolen and they took ALOT of my hard earned money. I made a thread about it a few months ago see below ... hmmmmm coincidence ?@! Almost exactly one year ago im going to bump that thread.. someone could be *uckin around taking money. Just want to clear im not blaming Kirban at all. He is a good guy and has always helped.. But remember there isnt just one person doing everything who knows who has access to vendors computer's or if there system has been hacked and our info is there?! I mean seriously to the original OP he bought some stuff from PA and it so happens someone bought movie tickets in PA?! lol.. When it happened to me they took my money from my debit acct! And i had to fight and wheel and deal with my bank for about 3 months to get my $$ back. Not COOL! Vendor's should sep up security just as we should we really dont know who has access to other people's business accts and computer's or personal information?!..
I'm not blaming KIRBAN dont want everyone to start *itching @ me. Because it'll start with one and every other person will want to bash. But you get your $$ tooken away fraudulently it will piss anyone off. See my thread below
i think its great to bring it out in the open. Maybe it's time that it should be looked into a little further that's all. Maybe we should dedicate just one thread for this and the vendor's should take notice and look into it. In respect to Kirban's name and what he has brought to this community i dont think it should be done on this thread though

**Another thing i want to mention is that i notice some ppl get very offended when posting about some experience or w,e about a person.
This is a community and an open forum for a Buick enthusiast we should speak freely on little situations like this to make us stronger community. It seems one guy post something and everybody jumps on the band wagon and destroys a post. This should make us stronger not separate us?!
i think its great to bring it out in the open. Maybe it's time that it should be looked into a little further that's all. Maybe we should dedicate just one thread for this and the vendor's should take notice and look into it. In respect to Kirban's name and what he has brought to this community i dont think it should be done on this thread though

**Another thing i want to mention is that i notice some ppl get very offended when posting about some experience or w,e about a person.
This is a community and an open forum for a Buick enthusiast we should speak freely on little situations like this to make us stronger community. It seems one guy post something and everybody jumps on the band wagon and destroys a post. This should make us stronger not separate us?!
Just to make a point. I could care less who has my credit card info. If I didn't purchase the item or sign anything I'm not responsible, EVER!
I'm not posting my info on an open forum either. I don't need to go thru those issues every week but I get one to two fraudulent charges per year. It happens.
I've always been reimbursed, changed my CC # and it never cost me a dime.
Sometimes, we need to reevaluate our employees. It's just business.

Just to make a point. I could care less who has my credit card info. If I didn't purchase the item or sign anything I'm not responsible, EVER!
I'm posting my info on an open forum either. I don't need to go thru those issues every week but I get one to two fraudulent charges per year. It happens.
I've always been reimbursed, changed my CC # and it never cost me a dime.
Sometimes, we need to reevaluate our employees. It's just business.

1-2 a year? I never have had any before or maybe never checked. I guess i need to start watching now.
Just caught this thread......

I think its pretty obvious that I did not commit the fraud for a few movie tickets. As many of you know some first hand fraud and scams run rampant in America I know sometimes when I travel the credit card company will call me to verify its me using my card.

Our employees have been with us a l o n g time. I can vouch for them

I would think your cc company could research it and see where the movie tickets were purchased perhaps someone did it as a small hit to see if it worked and then will go for a bigger hit.

Granted you can't be too careful anymore. If I recall we can only see like the last 4 digits of your cc not like years ago.

PS: I seldom go to the movies......
At $10.00 a ticket, that would just about take care of Dennis' grand kids to the movies.
Just kidding, Dennis & Pete, I know that you guys are 100 % honest as can be.
I have dealt with Dennis, Pete, & kirban's quite a bit over the years.
Never had an issue. Sincere, honest people with a high degree of integrity.
I don't think that we can ask for anything better.
Unfortunately for my kids' college fund, I used my CC more than once at Kirban's ;), never a problem (not counting pissed off wife)