I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

Fact Check: CNN is fake news: First link is Biden calling himself a dictator. Second link is CNN fake news headline...the most trusted name in news LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

joe Biden calls himself a dictator. - YouTube

Fact check: No, Biden didn't say that signing lots of executive orders makes you a dictator Fact check: No, Biden didn't say that signing lots of executive orders makes you a dictator (msn.com)

joe biden is a douche bag. Let cnn fact check that and deny it. :ROFLMAO:
And not one arrest for all the looting and killing by BLM and Antifa over the past 10 months.
Gonna be real interesting when Special Forces comes knocking on fbi's door.
Don't think all that extra space at Gitmo will be enough.
Anyone noticing the major network news "hours" are getting earlier and earlier?
Here, in the eastern time zone, it's gone from the "news at 11", to 10, then 9.
This is a calculated move, to bombard more listeners/viewers, with the same bullshit, over and over.
Repeat, repeat, until it's accepted as "fact".
DAMN! The sheeple are dumb!
Anyone noticing the major network news "hours" are getting earlier and earlier?
Here, in the eastern time zone, it's gone from the "news at 11", to 10, then 9.
This is a calculated move, to bombard more listeners/viewers, with the same bullshit, over and over.
Repeat, repeat, until it's accepted as "fact".
DAMN! The sheeple are dumb!
Old Hitler strategy.
Limit speech, take the guns, implement curfews, repeat the message over and over, eliminate jobs (make them desperate) and increase taxes.
Anyone noticing the major network news "hours" are getting earlier and earlier?
Here, in the eastern time zone, it's gone from the "news at 11", to 10, then 9.
This is a calculated move, to bombard more listeners/viewers, with the same bullshit, over and over.
Repeat, repeat, until it's accepted as "fact".
DAMN! The sheeple are dumb!
And their ratings continue to drop...that's why they're called the legacy media. CNN has been for sale for awhile...with no takers...cuz they have no viewers.