I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

Anyone noticing the major network news "hours" are getting earlier and earlier?
Here, in the eastern time zone, it's gone from the "news at 11", to 10, then 9.
This is a calculated move, to bombard more listeners/viewers, with the same bullshit, over and over.
Repeat, repeat, until it's accepted as "fact".
DAMN! The sheeple are dumb!
In my opinion, it just sounds like they are getting us used to getting the news earlier so they can set a 'curfew' to shut everything down at a certain time when they want to, and begin broadcasting again when they feel like it.
Remember back in the 60's when networks signed off at either 10 or 11 pm after the late night news? And didn't begin their broadcasting day until the morning news at 7 or 8 am? And signing off was with the National Anthem, and signing on was also with the National Anthem in the states.
They are trying to get complete control of the networks.
Anyone noticing the major network news "hours" are getting earlier and earlier?
Here, in the eastern time zone, it's gone from the "news at 11", to 10, then 9.
This is a calculated move, to bombard more listeners/viewers, with the same bullshit, over and over.
Repeat, repeat, until it's accepted as "fact".
DAMN! The sheeple are dumb!

Last time I watched the msm national news Walter Cronkite and Huntley & Brinkley were behind the desks.
Locally, last time was when they were rioting over some bullshit last spring.
In my opinion, it just sounds like they are getting us used to getting the news earlier so they can set a 'curfew' to shut everything down at a certain time when they want to, and begin broadcasting again when they feel like it.
Remember back in the 60's when networks signed off at either 10 or 11 pm after the late night news? And didn't begin their broadcasting day until the morning news at 7 or 8 am? And signing off was with the National Anthem, and signing on was also with the National Anthem in the states.
They are trying to get complete control of the networks.

If you are referring to me, yes, I do!
I clearly recall, being in front of the big Philco console radio, with my mom and dad, listening to the Japanese surrender news...1945!
I also remember doing the blackout air raid drills, when we lived in Detroit.


I still have my Grandparents Montgomery Ward Airline console radio, about 40"x24"x12". What a tank! Was Am-Shortwave, ran on a battery and they only listened to it on Sundays to save the power. The fam was listening to it when they announced Pearl Harbor had been bombed. What would today's young'uns do if that was their big entertainment for the week.

This looks like North Korea...but it's Toronto. Notice the MSM is nowhere to be seen. They're Trudeau's lap dogs.

Quite easy, all the police have to do there and here is refuse to do the elitists bidding anymore. Some of them it seems get a hard-on over roughing up defenseless citizens. At some point they'll need to make a choice.
Canadians should start using the old flag again, that will piss of tptb.

News outlets reported that Sunrise police at the scene said FBI agents were wounded while serving an arrest warrant on child pornography charges.
Shoot out in south Fla...
Looks like the FBI took on someone that was better prepared than they were.
Probably down there, to scoop up Joe Biden's and his worthless punk son's, kiddie porn. :mad: :poop: