How quickly we forget!!!


Nov 25, 2002
For those against the war and against our use of force to protect our freedoms and way of life, click the link below: (I hope it is still good)
Just a reminder that this is why we are at the brink of war in Iraq. No distinction between those responsible and those supporting them.
Thanks for posting that....that is something everyone needs to watch every once and while to keep the memory me chills every time i watch it....

You ain't kiddin baby!

I originally posted that link last year. I cannot see how ANY American can view it without shedding a tear. It still hollows me inside till this day.


The thought of these friggin protesters protesting and NOT supporting our guys right now, nausiates me. Every one of them should be forced to watch that and then given the oppertunity to walk down the street over there as an American and see exactly how far they walk before they are killed. Bet not 50 ft. Dumb bastards, this situation needs to be resolved so they are given the the option to protest, both now and in the future. Personally, I think they should be jailed, fined or deported myself. The reason we are free today to do the things we do is because of life lost in the early world wars. Anyone wanting to flame me for my views, well, you just go right ahead.

Our guys will do well, but the fact that this country is not 100% behind them, just makes me puke!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

That vignette was truly heart wrenching. Hopefully no one will ever let those scenes leave their memory.

And that music was so perfectly matched to the mood that was created. Was it Enya? And if so what was the name of that particular song?
It's Enya, Only Time. On that note, it was told to me that Enya was mad about it because they had not given permission to use their song in that vignette. W T F ?!? They should consider it an honor to have their song used. And I too cannot watch it without a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye. Especially where the people had to jump or fell. It chills me to think of the terror they suffered.
Re: You ain't kiddin baby!

Originally posted by WE4
I originally posted that link last year. I cannot see how ANY American can view it without shedding a tear. It still hollows me inside till this day.


The thought of these friggin protesters protesting and NOT supporting our guys right now, nausiates me. Every one of them should be forced to watch that and then given the oppertunity to walk down the street over there as an American and see exactly how far they walk before they are killed. Bet not 50 ft. Dumb bastards, this situation needs to be resolved so they are given the the option to protest, both now and in the future. Personally, I think they should be jailed, fined or deported myself. The reason we are free today to do the things we do is because of life lost in the early world wars. Anyone wanting to flame me for my views, well, you just go right ahead.

Our guys will do well, but the fact that this country is not 100% behind them, just makes me puke!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:


I too have VERY strong feelings about these anti-war/anti-Bush protesting idiots. These people have the balls to say they are patriots who have the right to protest. Well, you do have that right. BUT THAT DOSEN'T MAKE IT RIGHT!!! You should be supporting the president and our troops. It friggin makes me sick everytime I see these idiots carrying signs with slogans such as "Impeach Bush", or "No war for oil", and signs with Bush and Hitler side by side. Most of these anti-American protesters are 60's leftover hipee liberials who have been waiting for something to come by so that they can blast the US for something. Others are mis-informed anti-American ***holes who would be shot if they protested against Saddam in Iraq. Again, these idiots say they "have the right" to protest. And I have the right call you what you really are. ANTI-AMERICAN!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Keepin' it at the top. It's the reason the poop (following the new *tough* guidlines:rolleyes: ) is about to hit the fan.
After watching the Presidents address the other night and his words to the Iraqui's, one of Clint Eastwoods movie lines popped in my head. "Dyin' ain't much of a livin' boy". Pretty much summed it up. I wish our troops and our country the best. Maybe Iraq could be our 51st state that we could send all of these anti-war/anti American a$$holes to when this is over. Indeed, how soon we forget...
I work next to our local airport and watch the planes land and leave daily. I remember too vividly what it was like to see the empty skies and remember that day. I think if these people forgot, maybe we can get them to move to France. Who needs them....
Can you name this country?

Can you name This Country?


















Re: You ain't kiddin baby!

Originally posted by WE4

Our guys will do well, but the fact that this country is not 100% behind them, just makes me puke!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:


Bruce, the fact that the Frenchman leading my pissant Country publicly opposes this effort has me kneeling in the stall next to yours! Maybe when your forces have completed their mission we can come up for air and tip a beer together.
I am die hard American. My motto love it or leave it. :mad:

You see all these human shields came back from Iraq already. All these protestors if we were hit again would be chanting Mr. Bush you did nothing to protect us. It is all bull****!!!! these protestors need to support our troops and our great President or get out and go stand on line for food in these 3rd world countries. I am so tired of anti american people, is our goverment perfect NO! If you cannot do a better job yourself shut up. Instead of protesting they should be chanting for the safe return of our men and woman, they have familes to. Dam Protestors:mad:
the ****ty part about the USS Lincoln is they were on thier way home when they were retasked to go back to the gulf....going on 9 months now or so...if my info is correct...thats a long deployment! and it aint over yet....oh and to add to BT's clinton post....the USS Stennis (i believe) is fully mission capable and ready to deploy....but there arent enough air planes to form an AIR WING to deploy with it sits and waits......
Just gotta share this.

Bruce - I was just reading your post about the Clinton years. I'm a Tech. Sergeant in the US Air Force, and I was stationed at Offutt AFB NE. when President George W. Bush was sworn into office. We were pulling hot ALERT just like every third week and had the TV set up to watch the event. I don't think I've ever seen such a sobering mood in my 10 years in the military. I watched Sergeants, Majors, and Lt. Colonels shed tears as the new president took the oath, one commented "I've waited 8 years for this day". The feeling was mutual for everyone watching. Those were a tough 8 years for most of those in the military. Of course I can't speak for all of them, but most. I don't know about everyone in the service, but for most, we have to have a leader we can look up to, I'm not saying he has to be perfect, but he's got to have some leadership ability. If not, those serving have to draw strength from another source, perhaps even a Grandpa who fought in Korea, or the old red, white and blue, but something. Clinton, unfortunately was not able to command that respect for most of us in the service, President Bush does. I'm sure you probably are aware of this but I'll say it again anyway. During the Clinton years we had a hard pill to swallow and very subtly it showed. Have you ever noticed the Marine salute as the President departs the Marine one helicopter? When President Bush took office the salute changed, very subtly, but even so it was evident. The marine who rendered the salute did a right face after the President passed by, this was not done with Clinton. The facing of a superior's back after they pass is considered a sign of alligence to the individual. That simple change, probably reflects the way most of the military feels, even to this day. I stand behind the President, and his staff. Let me just say this to those who question the Iraq invasion; If you knew only 10% of what the intelligence community knows about Saddam Hussein, it would blow you away. Information like that will only come out though long after the war is over. - BB
Your gonna love this....

Subject: Fwd: Our President

I'm not sure who wrote this, but they did a wonderful job of describing
our incredible President.

"Our President" - Worth Reading

OUR PRESIDENT..... Have you noticed a difference in the salute given
by our military men and women as President Bush walks by? Most folks
would not notice anything, but military people see it right away.

Watch: When President Bush leaves his helicopter or Air Force One, the
honor guards salute and face him as he disembarks, then turn their
faces towards him as he passes by. They continue to salute his back as
he walks away. This kind of salute has not been seen in the previous
eight years, though it is customary courtesy to the Commander-in-Chief.

You see, soldiers aren't required to turn and face the President as
they salute. They are not required to salute his back. They are only
required to salute. They can remain face-forward the entire time. And
that is what they did during Bill Clinton's entire presidency. Our
soldiers were forced to obey Clinton's orders, but they were not force to
respect him.
From their salutes, we can surmise that they did not.

Why is such respect afforded to President Bush? He doesn't even know
how to bite his lower lip and not get teary-eyed whenever he speaks!
The following incident from Major General Van Antwerp may give us an
insight. Gen. Antwerp is president of the Officers' Christian
fellowship. He lost nearly all his staff when the Pentagon was
attacked Sept. 11. His executive officer LTC Brian Birdwell was
badly burned and in the hospital when President Bush visited him.
Our President spent time and prayed with Brian. As he was getting
ready to leave, he went to the foot of Brian's bed and saluted.
He held his salute until Brian was able to raise his burned and bandaged
arm, ever so slowly, in return.

The Commander-in-Chief never initiates a salute, except in the case
of a Congressional Medal of Honor winner. The injured soldier did not
have to return the salute. But he did, out of respect to his President -a
Soldiers' President.

Congressman JC Watts (R. Oklahoma) said, "Character is doing the
right thing when nobody is looking." The nation and world learned some of
what our last President did when nobody was looking. That President has
been disbarred-the worst disgrace (other than imprisonment) to a lawyer.
CNN will have a difficult time shining his or his wife's tarnished images.

In this time of war and danger, I am so grateful to have a President
whom the soldiers salute-fully.
On Special Report with Brit Hume, (hosted by Jim Angle), at the close
of the show when they normally have some funny video clip, they showed
President Bush and the First Lady on their way to Maine to leave for
Camp David for the weekend. As the video starts, the First Lady is
leading the way into the helicopter with the spaniel dog on the leash,
and the president is right behind her with the Scotty on the leash. As
the First Lady entered the chopper, the Marine at the gangway saluted
and held his salute. The Scottie the president was walking decided it
wanted to sit right when he got to the steps. The president pulled on
its leash, but the stubborn Scottie persisted in sitting. The president
bent down and scooped up the pooch and entered Marine One.
After he entered, the Marine cut his salute and returned to the position
of attention. Moments later the president reemerged from the helicopter
and out onto the steps. The Marine was standing at attention, head and eyes
straight ahead. The president leaned over and tapped him on the left arm. The
startled Marine turned his body toward the president and received his
our military people by our president!
He really does get it. Most any other person of his stature would have
just continued his journey, disregarding the neglected return salute.
Not George W. Bush. He is earning the respect of the military community,
not expecting it-as most have and would. President George W. Bush.
The man who admitted to having a drinking problem in younger years,
and whose happy-go-lucky lifestyle led him to mediocre grades in
college and an ill-fated oil venture. Who mangled syntax, and whose speaking
missteps became known as "Bushisms." He came within a hair's breadth of
losing the election in November. While votes were counted and
re-counted, Bush quietly but confidently waited at his ranch. Make
no mistake, his orders were carried out, but he stayed in the background,
faithful and confident. Bush named Jesus Christ as Lord of his life
on public TV. Not an Oblique reference to being "born-again" or having
a "life change." He actually said the un-PC-like phrase, "Jesus Christ!"

On September 11, he was thrust into a position only known by
Roosevelt, Churchill, Lincoln, and Washington. The weight of the world was
on his shoulders, and the responsibility of a generation was on his soul.
So President George W. Bush walked to his seat at the front of the
National Cathedral just three days after two of the most impressive
symbols of American capitalism and prosperity virtually evaporated. When the
history of this time is written, it will be acknowledged by friend and foe
alike that President George W. Bush came of age in that cathedral and
lifted a nation off its knees. In what was one of the most impressive
exhibitions of self-control in presidential history,
President George W. Bush was able to deliver his remarks without
losing his resolve, focus, or confidence. God's hand, which guided
him through that sliver-thin election, now rested fully on him. As he
walked back to his seat, the camera angle was appropriate. He was virtually
alone in the scene, alone in that massive place with God, just him and the Lord.
Back at his seat, George H. Bush reached over and took his son's
hand. In that gesture his father seemed to say, "I wish I could do this
for you, son, but I can't. You have to do this on your own. President
George W. Bush squeezed back and gave him a look of peace that said,
"I don't have to do it alone, Dad. I've got Help". What a blessing to
have a professing Christian as President.
Please take a moment after you read this to "pray for him". He truly
does have the weight of the world on his shoulders. Pray that God
will sustain him and give him wisdom and discernment in his decisions.
Pray for his protection and that of his family. After you have prayed,
send this to everyone on your e-mail list. Our President needs Christians
around the world to be praying for him.

As this makes the e-mail rounds, eventually there could literally be
millions of people praying for him.


And this ain't bad either

When in England at a fairly large conference,
Colin Powell was asked by
the Archbishop of Canterbury if our plans for Iraq
were just an example of
empire building by George Bush.

He answered by saying that, "Over the years, the
United States has sent
many of its fine young men and women into great
peril to fight for freedom
beyond our borders. The only amount of land we
have ever asked for in
return is enough to bury those that did not

I don't know for sure but I'll bet that it became
very quiet in the room!

Wow Bruce

Both of those are great reads and I encourage everone to take the time to read them both fully. We have enetered a strange new world with the fall of the USSR the Us is now its own unilateral super power, with the exception of the UN but I don't even want to start on them. Bruce's second post may hold the most truth in a veild point America has always been the counrty that has stepped up to hold the sway of the world in blance, we have sacrificed of our own to help those who now reject us. What I truelly fear is that we have not started a war but rather another "policing action." America must comit to this and carry it through many joke that George Bush is finishing his Daddy’s war, but we must finish it this time had we allowed our forces to do what they needed to last time we would not be here today.

I can’t claim to fully support this war effort just yet as we the public really need to have more information on what finally drove Bush to war. Saddam has repeetedly spat upon UN resolutions, and who really knows what he has hidden out in the desert? I know neither you nor me does. These fears and our past record with Saddam are why I still am behind my president and leader.

Black Sabbath