How long have you been on this site!

Hasn't there been more than one crash? Or are you all talking about your cars?
Ya, there have been a few minor ones, but the big one that wiped out everything happened in 2001. That's why you never see any join dates before 2001.
And you can figure that most of those 01 dates had previous accounts.
I think maybe just before the crash. I had my first TR in 1992/93 It was stolen while I was stationed in Korea 1995/96. When I came back I think I joined when the idea of another TR was a possibility again for me. I do not specifically recall "the crash", but I do recall posting in a few threads and then coming back later and having to start all over again.
The date on my profile says 2004 but I was on here before that.I remember the big crash.
2003. I only came here to read the kill stories since I didn't have a TB up until 2013.
Well before the crash. I remember getting info on the mailing list and IRC server before that. Damn I feel old.
Long enough to where my name of "Marleyskater420" has absolutely no relevance to the current lifestyle I lead...or have lead in a good 7 or 8 years....

ugh.... seriously, who would believe anything someone with the name "Marleyskater420" has to say?!