Help us build "Nasty Wendy 2"- AKA "The Phonix"

I am blown away!!! I hate that I've been away from the board so much. My dialysis takes its toll but I WILL work at getting here more often. My doctors tell me that I am less than a year away from a transplant! So much has happened this past year but nothing as memorable as this. You guys and gals have restored my faith in humanity. Everywhere I go in my community folks stop me and ask how is the car coming, the hardware store, the grocery store, the lunch spots...everywhere! Thank you all so very much for turning a topic that was so very depressing 180 degrees into this.

Coach I have this stuff if any of it is useful. The horn rings are good and if dyed would be perfect. One is metal and one is plastic. The metal horn button has no issues. None of the the horn buttons covers are suitable as is but they are perfect candidates to be dyed as there is no faults in them other than the worn looks.
horn stuff.JPG
Clay, Those horn rings will work out great with the horn button I sent to Shawn... It's the original non colored tri-shield for the GN....
Clay, Those horn rings will work out great with the horn button I sent to Shawn... It's the original non colored tri-shield for the GN....

Awesome Scot. I'll get it out to him tomorrow. I left a message on your phone. I'll call you later today.
That is so nice and clean that folks will think thats the brand of cover it is. It looks that good. Wow.
I've been working on the console plate since I restored the console. I have sheets of stainless and wanted to make it look better then it did. It was tough to get it correct, but it came out pretty nice.
PLATE 1.jpg
PLATE 2.jpg
PLATE 3.jpg
PLATE 4.jpg
Can't wait to see the car. Will it be at the GNS tent ? Best wishes on the project.
Can't wait to see the car. Will it be at the GNS tent ? Best wishes on the project.
That is undecided yet at this point due to the fact that their might be some last minute things to do to the car and with Clay being their he can not see it before the unveil so I don't think we will want it in the open until it's ready to unveil then we will have it parked out in the open with a cover on it... At this point Everything hinges on how far it's finished....