Hard luck for Caspers electronics....

This has been going on for a long time now thats why all the parts that you buy say "OFF ROAD USE ONLY".

Here is what happend some guy buys one or a car that has one on it and gets pulled over and his car will not pass that states inspection, so he gets a ticket and he says "it's not my fault it's caspers they made the part".

This is a problem in our world the "It' not my fault" way of trying to get out of problem instead of saying " I did it" and take it like a man we want drag everybody else in to it.

Goodluck to Caspers I hope they had and still have good legal team or they could pay the price for this other guy.
I sure hope Caspers pulls through this!! This is a vendor we ABSOLUTELY CAN'T afford to loose!!
The scary part is where they want names and addresses of who bought them. Probably fines for them also.
Can differences amongst the boards be dropped for this mission?

Over on Turbobuicks.com we are pooling our money together to make a donation to John Spina (Casper's Electronics) to aid in his fight against this BS. This is certainly a time for the ENTIRE Buick community to pull together and come to one of our outstanding member's aid. Those of you who want to help check out the thread over there. Thanks. Here is the link.
The Casper's Electronics ordeal - correct me if I am wrong - TurboBuicks.com
I'm sick of all this global warming crap! It's a complete myth! Earth has normal recurring cycles that it goes through. Al Gore should be the first one to have his neck stretched for giving a new energy to this BS, then we'll move on to all of the clueless Hollywood snobs that want to preach to us what we are doing wrong while they fly around in Gulfstreams and drive mega-expensive gas hogs! When the hell is this country going to get it's common sense back and start smacking around these tiny minority special interest groups that want to restrict everything?? We're turning into a bunch of pansies that want to cry about everything, meanwhile our enemies see nothing but weakness. No wonder they are so emboldened.
Sorry for the rant. I want my country back.
I....... we'll move on to all of the clueless Hollywood snobs that want to preach to us what we are doing wrong while they fly around in Gulfstreams and drive mega-expensive gas hogs! ..............

X5 :cool:

Holywood, Tree Huggers and Politics
I wonder how much the actual annual combined total energy is required for ALL their 10K sqft homes.
I wonder how much fuel they all used to fly a handfull people in 767's (at 5% capacity) around the world.
I wonder how much energy was required for all the events they attended ..........
I wonder how much "waste" was generated from the events.
I wonder how much money will actually make it to the "Cause".
I wonder a lot ............
Wow! Global warming has been solved... My hat is off to Al Gore, he is the man? I guess now florida has been saved and won't be disappearing into the Atlantic now. Woh, that was close!:rolleyes:

Thank god the goverment has 8,000,000,000.00 a month to spend in Iraq....:eek:
It's about time to envoke the 2nd amendment. It's the reset button on this whole thing!
Or start selling the plans on Ebay.


He can't:


d. For selling, giving, conveying or otherwise transferring in any way the
process or techniques used to manufacture emission defeat devices, including oxygen sensor
simulators, to any other entity, including but not limited to individuals or business entities:
$10,000 for each such sale, gift, or transfer
Over on Turbobuicks.com we are pooling our money together to make a donation to John Spina (Casper's Electronics) to aid in his fight against this BS. This is certainly a time for the ENTIRE Buick community to pull together and come to one of our outstanding member's aid. Those of you who want to help check out the thread over there. Thanks. Here is the link.
The Casper's Electronics ordeal - correct me if I am wrong - TurboBuicks.com

I'm with you! This is bigger than the boards & needs ALL of the BUICK People to help out any way they can! Caspers is one of our TOP Vendors so lets do what we can people!
my ongoing rant

were the sims not sold as "off road use only" item? Why attack the sellers or even the manufacturer for that part. If someone pulls their cat off the car and throws a piece of pipe in it who do the hippies go after then? The person the put the pipe in place? the owner of the car? the place that sold the pipe? the place that made the pipe? the place that sold the equipment and material that made the pipe? the manufacturer of the vehicle for making the cat a removeable part? :rolleyes: :eek: :mad: :confused:

This is retarded:mad: That's fine keep chasing after the guys that pull cats off their cars, burn a little rubber around the corner, stack car parts outside their garage in a orderly fashion behind their garage by the alley, and assume that all of us car guys drive wreckless and dangerously. Prosecute us for coming up with ways to improve upon others' ideas and using our minds instead of wasting it by smoking pot and doing dope. Is it such a crime to make or purchase innovative products from a LEGITIMATE BUSINESS? I've seen drug dealers get off easier than this, and it wasn't just first offense either. 74,000 dollar fine PLUS buy back all units sold. Yeah right, what a joke. DOn't worry about people jumpin the fence, crooked politicians and law enforcement officials, molestation, rape, americans out of work, americans addicted to drugs, alcohol, tobacco-NOT GETTING OFF SUBJECT BUT RAISE TAX ON TOBACCO INSTEAD OF HELPING US QUIT??? IT IS AS HARD AS THEY SAY:( Hollywood and rich snob politicians cruise in these limos or full size luxury cars, suv's, a house about the size of a city block, but the EPA is gonna go after us blue collars that roll up our sleeves every day just so we can throw some food on the table, pay our bills, and drive these cars that throw out a slight bit more pollution with these sims on them a few times a month.

To CASPERS ELECTRONICS, like said before, they're just trying to shut down the little guy cause the blame has gotta go on someone so they pick you guys out of the hat this month-don't let it shut ya down
BOUNCE BACK:biggrin:
but the EPA is gonna go after us blue collars that roll up our sleeves every day just so we can throw some food on the table, pay our bills, and drive these cars that throw out a slight bit more pollution with these sims on them a few times a month.

We have a huge enviromental problem but no one wants to do anything about it. The EPA is a huge joke controlled but Corprate America. The only reason they attack older cars and companies like Casper is to look good. These cars is a very small percent of the total of cars on the road today. I also get a laugh when ever I hear the EPA and Cats in one sentence. This device is to reduce CO2 emession in our air but at what cost? They convert CO2 into SO2...I guess it's cool if you like Acid Rain. I'm all for helping our enviroment but lets be serious about it and stop taking comands from big oil companies. States like Califonia really needs an Enima :rolleyes: They talk about protecting their precious state but yet cave under the pressure of Car manufactures and Big oil companies. They vote for who ever does great at the box office intead of someone whos for the people. Just when I think I'm safe 1000 miles away, I reallize like most other states, my own state tends to follow in California's foot steps :frown:

Anyhow, I feel for Casper but I fear the worst is still yet to come...
The only way to take action with the goverment is by letting the clowns we vote into office know there is a problem. Take the time & send your congressman an e-mail & let them know how your AMERICAN lifestyle is being impacted by these changes. The Clean air act laws have been around for a long time & EVERYONE knows about tapering with emissions equipment. There should be a standard for limited mileage, off-road, (my fight...Motorcycles) & racing vehicles. These vehicles put out a small fraction of the worlds emisssions but there an easy target. Fight back while you can.

Congressional Email Directory

EPA - Clean Air Act -
What worthless cowards they are. Why didn't they go after the Holleys or Edelbrocks out there? It's easy to see that they picked a "soft" target that would have limited resources to fight back.

I wonder if SEMA has any sort of legal council or protection it provides to member businesses. It would make sense to me that they would help fight things like this in order to prevent precedents being set. I don't know if Casper's was a member. I am just wondering out loud.
What worthless cowards they are. Why didn't they go after the Holleys or Edelbrocks out there? It's easy to see that they picked a "soft" target that would have limited resources to fight back.

I wonder if SEMA has any sort of legal council or protection it provides to member businesses. It would make sense to me that they would help fight things like this in order to prevent precedents being set. I don't know if Casper's was a member. I am just wondering out loud.

The Holley's & Edelbrock's spend the money to research, develop, test & get emissions approval on products for late model vehicle's.
WOW! Ive read pretty much all the posts and I know Im gonna get crap from thise but hopefully it will be intelligent commments and not some childish remarks.

First of all, I like Casper's and any company that does or makes aftermarket parts for our cars. Ive bought quite a few stuff from Caspers and used them successfully.

But also, the O2 simulator is intended to be used on OBDII vehicles that have their cats removed and is designed to trick the ecm/ecu/pcm or whatever you want to call it to think its seeing a good signal after the cat and not set the ses light on.

This is completely illegal and Casper's knows about it. So why make a product that is illegal and people use to defeat the ODBII system?

Also I know it does say "For off road use only" but most of the people who use this device, do not use it for "off road use only", its designed to keep the ses light off while your driving your vehicle like normal. This device yields no performance gains nor effiecency so why even make it or sell it?

Because people drive there vehicles without cats daily (illegal) and dont want to be bothered with the ses light on. So they try to defeat it.

So now come the "dump/test pipe" arguement. Okay so use your dump/test pipe for "off road use" and its legal. And if your using your vehicle for "off road only" ie a track, you probly dont care about the ses light being on. Thats fine. And in theory once you get back you "should" throw your cat back on and be done with it. But this never happens.

Now Im not a "tree hugger" or a hipocrit. I have plenty of mods that are smog "illegal" like most of us here but Im just trying to show you the other point of view since no one is arguing that.

FACT: They designed a product to defeat a OBDII smog system test and the SES light on which is completly illegal.

FACT: This product yeilds NO performance gains or engine effiecency.

FACT: "Other" companies mentioned DO NOT make this product or any other product that is designed to defeat OBDII Monitor systems (there might be a few but none that I know off)

FACT: Overall, this was a poor decision by this company to design,market this product and sell it.

And for comments like "dont they have drug user's to catch" or "criminals and rapist are on the loose", come on now, you seriously think that the CARB or EPA is out looking for drug dealers and rapist? Thats not there job so stop with the childish comments.

Im not for the EPA but I would like a healthier environment for our kids to grow up in and I know this isnt gonna solve global warming or pollution and yes there is hundreds of bigger things causing this but this company broken the law plain and simple. I wish them the best and hopefully they wont go under.

If I get pulled over tomorrow for speeding and Im going 56mph in a 55mph zone, I will just look at the officer, sign my ticket and be on my way after "Thanking" him for putting his life on the line to ensure that motorist are getting home safe. I know the speed limit is 55 and I broke the law, even if everyone else is going 100mph. I guess knowing right from wrong and doing the right thing when no one is looking, also know as Integrity was just instilled a little harder in me once I joined the Corps...... thats just my 2 cents.