Gnx 176 #

Well I went & did it. I listed it on E-bay, Thought I would put it out there to see what happens. I know I will hate my self if it sells. But just cant justify owning a car that just sits,I'm bored & need another project to keep my mind off the direction this country is headed.

You and the colon guy have more in common then you think!!
It’s a car it wont drive it self.

I have been getting bombed with calls,Some very weird like this guy who just got out of this clinic & had his colon checked out & was still groggy on medication.Was telling me all about the procedure & was interested in the car. I recommended that when the meds wore off to call me back. Hasn't gotten back yet.This has defiantly taking care of any boredom issues.

Some people are just nuts and the others are just as bad Quote 1 and Quote 2

BTW good luck with the sale.