funny phrases got any ?

not a phrase but pics are worth a thousand words


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Phrases for different situations...

If you make or keep making stupid mistakes and someone asks "Do you do drugs?" You reply "No, Drugs do me"

"I refuse to continue this mental masturbation."
Used when ending a futile task or no results are encountered during such an event. Can even be used in a futile conversation with an inane person.

"Just put some schmutz on it."
"[Sch-moot-z]": Any type of liquid, gel, or paste like substance.
When is everything is wonderful you don't tell folks you got shit in their shorts.
......rather jack off with a hand full of sandspurs!
puttin' one in her would be like throwin' a hot dog down the hallway!
you car is so slow you could time it with a calendar.
.....looks like some one hit her between the legs with a bush-axe!
she's so ugly she'd scare a maggot off a gut wagon.
if he were any dumber he'd be driving a Ford.
the only thing your beatin' tonight's your meat (pre-race junk talk)
Whose your daddy? (after above mentioned race)
If it has 4 wheels or tits its trouble.

Happier than a sissy and a sack full of di$!s.

Hotter than a half screwed chili picker in a pepper patch.

If ugliness were bricks she'd be a whole set of govt projects

First time my bad, second time your bad ...shouldnt be a 3rd time.

Tighter than a mouses ear

Fast as a scalded ape
You guys blow so much smoke up my ass my intestines have blisters.
Your head is soved so far up your ass you need to put a window in your stomach to see where the **** your going.