of HID'S (and Silverstar comparison)


Nice Monte...
Aug 18, 2001
Sorry it took SOOOOOOO long to get the pics...the digital camera was broken, and I borrowed a CRAPPY one :( but I think you can tell the difference even w/ that one. :D

I took me about 2 hours to get the pics, upload them, and name them, so take your time, and make sure you read what the specific pic you looking at is, and make sure you MAXIMIZE them!!!

Enjoy, and lemme know what you think ;) .

Personally, I like the silverstar's. They don't blind everybody within 3 miles of you like the HID's do. I hate meeting people on the highway with HID's, never know whether to flash the "high's" at them or not.
you better aim thoise babies more to the ground