Crazy lines you hear from people at car shows

not a TR, but my friend had that 88 MCSS. it was a bench seat, column shift car and i can count how many people argued with us that is was not a real MCSS, because they were positive that all MCSSs came with buckets and a console.

also i had a 68 baracuda with a 440 swapped in. never had it at a show, but had it at the track a lot. the hood would be opened. people would walk up, a guy would say to his buddy, look at the headers, they were fenderwell headers, and than would say to me, that a 340?
corymc said:
i was in class and we went out on a break and i was checking my oil cuz i have a slight leak and a guy said to me what kinda engine is that and i told him and his reply was man you should take that out and put a 305 in it i bet it would rip. I didnt say anything just thought to myself wow

Ughh, I used to hear that all the time with EVILGN, except the local rednecks would say "need to put a 350 in there, then it would be faster than that V6" :rolleyes: . Then their jaw would hit the ground when I told them what it ran with the "slow" V6..... :biggrin: I loved people like that, if for no other reason than seeing the stunned look on their face when they figured out it wasn't a slow V6 Regal. Things got even more comical at the track, especially when I would outrun "race" cars with my V6 powered street
I get the Monte Carlo thing all the time. just last weekend, my wife's uncle said "how you like the monte carlo out there?" I said " You mean the buick?" He says, "Monte Carlo, Buick, Corvette, whats the difference?" I said "Yes I like the Monte Carlo just fine" and walked away.
A week ago at Carl's Jr. drive thru, the kid at the window says "Is this a Monte carlo?" I said "No, its a Buick Grand National" He says "Oh, that twin turbo V8 one"? I said No they never made any such thing. Its a single turbo V6. He says "Oh its too bad you dont have the twin turbo one". I said "They never made a twin turbo anything!....they made a turbo trans am in 89, maybe the TTA made you think TT=twin turbo or something?" He says "naw your setup must not be stock cause these cars came with twin turbo's." I gave up at this point and said "you dont need twin turbos. This one here is making 800hp at 40 pounds of boost" His jaw dropped to the floor and said holy **** man thats alot of power! His buddies all stuck their heads out the window and looked at the car. I pointed to my digital boost gauge and said "yeah I needed this digital one cause they dont make analog ones that go high enough for my car". I heard alot of "daaaaaaaam"'s and holy **** and all that crap. They were very impressed by my boost gauge.
the amazing thing is that these people will argue with you. they do not own the car or have ever most of the time. you do, and yet they seem to know more about youre car than you do.
FlyinGN said:
hey Jim.. how about the kid at Smithville who thought your TTA was a GTA. And went so far as to almost argue with me about it. LOL...

I vaguely remember a round of this either here or on the gnttype list 2-3 years ago. I think the claim (by a tta owner) was that all tta's started as gta's, before they were sent to either asc or Mclaren (can't remember which, sigh) where the drivetrain was yanked and the turbo v6 crate motor installed. Don't own one so didn't try to keep up with all the discussion so I don't know if his claim was upheld or not.
I've been asked where I got my seat covers...(I have stock seats and NO covers on them)
2 times I've been called a FIREBIRD!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!
Of course, got the "Nice Monte Carlo!" and I follow with "It's a Buick!"
Most of the time, no one even pays attention.
Every once and a while I'll get asked what that "knock" guage thingy is for :)
Frank I forgot all about that guy! The GN's get people goofy but the TTA really throws them for a loop!

ijames: That's pretty much what happend. The TTA's came down the line at Pontiac as a GTA with no badges. They went to PAS to be converted. That's where the engine was pulled and the turbo six was installed and tested. Then off to the dealers!
at7we2 said:
I believe you're referring to the LeSabre Grand National. totally different platform - front drive, n/a, etc. seems like it would make an excellent daily driver, although maybe to rare? :cool:

yep, that's the one. They had all the Grand National badges but like you said, front wheel drive, N/A. Richard Clark has one in one of his trailers in NC. I didn't believe him until I actually sat in it.
:confused: It was a new one to me.
One of our salesmen at Toyota told me today, "I got a Scion TC here with a supercharger that would eat up that Monte". I told him "Cool, whose Monte?"
He said "your black one".
Me "I don't have one".
Him "You sold it?"
Me "Never had one."
Him "What do you drive every Friday?"
Me "A Grand BUICK!!!"
All the other employees laughed at him. Even the saleswomen know what I drive and they all got rides. :cool:

This guy constantly opens his mouth before he has any clue as to what he is talking about.
smart wife stupid husband

neighbor was taking an evening stroll and see my GN in the driveway and says : "thats a GRANDNATIONAL right" ? i said yes it is , then she says: i told my "stupid husband" that & he thinks its a monte carlo ss. i said "tell your husband to come see for himself ". he never did come, he must be stupid. :D
fighterjet gn: LOL! Awesome! :D

GNeric: LOL! I love it! :D

Nothing like turning a "know it all" into a pile of dust! The thing I don't understand is.. I don't know every car out there but if I'm at a show or the track I'll ask the owner or ask someone that I know has the correct answers before saying something that is totally wrong!
It took me 3 months to get my wife (then girlfriend) to stop calling it a Monte Carlo!

Once, after an impromptu side-by-side stoplight acceleration event with a "ricerized" 2-nd gen RX-7, I got the nice "Monte" quote along with the "Does that thing have a turbo?" question. I replied that it was just a 305 but I did have one of those "turbo sound machines I bought off e-bay". I told him I had it hooked to an amp to make it so loud. He said "Kool, I gotta get me one." Me and my buddy just laughed our arses off when he left.
you know i just remembered, at work i have a GN on my computer desktop and me screen saver is almost all GNs. i was talking to a coworker a couple months ago, cant remember exactly what he said, but it was something about all the montes i have on my screen saver. :confused: one of the pics is even the GN intercooled emblem.

not to mention the fact that the site im on is turbobuick and not turbochevy.
I guess I just don't get how someone can look right at the badging on a car and proceed to call it something totally different. Today I saw a green Superbee on the exact same car hauler that took my 85 GN to her new home and should have pulled up next to the guy in my GN and said "Nice Caprice". Would have probably made him look at me like :confused: since he seemed to know cars already.
Whenever I see a TR and it's owner, I usually go up and say "Man, that's a nice Monte." Then when they tell me it's a Buick, I say "Is that a V8?". After I tell them that I have one, they look at me kinda funny. :confused:

Last year at the track, some drunk "mechanic" came up to me and said "You know, if you run alot of boost at IDLE, then turn the A/C on, you'll burn up the #1 piston. I see that all the time with these cars." The next weekend, I ended up putting a hole in the #1 piston....I should have listened!! True story :(
justabuickv6 said:
I like to go up to other GN owners and say "Nice Monte Carlo". I then explain to them that I have one too.

I had someone do that to me as I was trailering the GN through Arkansas...a trucker came by and said that to me. All I did was sigh and say, thanks but it's actually a Buick...he laughed and said he had one too but just liked to mess with people.
people think that we GN owners tend not to know anything,or they either flat out lie on everyhting or they are completly stupid. I've heard many time" my father use to own one of this things back new in 93 :confused: ?? nice monte! :confused:
Rondom Car show idiot: "Nice Monte"

Me: "It's a Buick"

Idiot: "Buick never made a Monte Carlo, did they?"

Me: :Yeah, but they were all twin turbo cars."

He should get a lot of dumb looks when he repeats that one.