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OK - absolutely amazing. Thx for the post.

? though - how do the tires go up the ramp. They don't seem to have enough kinetic energy to do it. The view is not clear enough to see if a pulley is activated.

They explain some of it in the article in the second link. The tires were weighted and balanced just right so the lightest touch would cause them to roll up the ramps.

Originally posted by DavzGN
They explain some of it in the article in the second link. The tires were weighted and balanced just right so the lightest touch would cause them to roll up the ramps.


Thank you - I see, if the weight was just at the ends of the balance - a push would give you roughly 300 degrees to roll, in this case up.

Even cooler!
Originally posted by gnXfan
OK - absolutely amazing. Thx for the post.

? though - how do the tires go up the ramp. They don't seem to have enough kinetic energy to do it. The view is not clear enough to see if a pulley is activated.


Was thinking exactly the same thing too...connection sux tho..have to keep refreshing it. Each time I get 4 seconds past the previous attempt. :)

wow, that was the coolest thing i've ever seen. I can only imagine the time it must have taken to set all that stuff up. simply amazing though.