Collector car tax

So is he proposing that everyone that owns a collector car..has to pay a tax on it just because you own it or when they are bought and sold...What about the old guy that bought the car new for $4000 in the 60s or 70s now you gotta pay a yearly tax based on some bean counters values? The government hates old cars but now they are profitable what a bunch of azzholes barrett jackson is ruining the car hobby because all the wrong retards are paying attention...Noone cares till theres $$ tobe made now all of a sudden all these non car people yuppies and burocrats are paying attention cause they think they can make some $$$ ......
we SHOULD tax ...

golf clubs, and golf carts! look at the potential revenue! :)
Should tax all the fools that fall for the stupid urban legend/chain email stuff and pass it off as "fact" without bothering to check it out.:tongue: