Cigna or Aetna? Which is better??


"Would You Believe..."
Jul 29, 2007
I'm getting ready to choose my company health benefit plan. Cigna and Aetna HMO looks about the same, and really not much different. Copays, are the same, and much of the coverages.


Which one is better in your opinion?

Thanks for any input
Cant speak on Aetna. But i have Cigna and love it. Everywhere we go for healthcare they comment on how good our plan is.
I can speak for Aetna, and say "go with the other one." I get the impression that they try to short change the doctors too much, so many refuse them. I just lost my doctor this month (no longer takes Aetna). And the specialist that I was planning on seeing also now refuses Aetna.
From My experience Cigna sucks. Our entire city both hospitals were black listed and the doctor's as well. I had to get all new doctors and drive 50 miles to see them. I have a hospital 1 mile away from my house that I can not use.

My old doctor said they pay low and they pay slow.

But I've heard some people say Aetna sucks as well.

The best thing to do is check all your doctors and make sure they are all in network.