Cell Phone Question...


Jr Boosted
Jan 23, 2005
We currently have a motorola V220 cell phone. Dog got hungry. Still works but speaker phone damaged. We understand these phones carry a sim card with our info on it. Is it possible to just buy a new unlocked phone from online such as ebay and install sim card and it will work without needing programming or anything from phone business?

We don't want to pay them to fix it or pay their ridiculous price for a new phone. We can get the phone much much cheaper online.....

So, with the sim card....can i just swap it and it will work??

I'm not quite an expert, but I've swapped out SIM cards plenty of times. If it's unlocked, than it should work no problem. I frequently switch SIMS between phones especially when I travel abroad. One thing you may want to make sure of is that your phonebook and info is saved in the card and not the phone. That way your phone #s will carry over.

Who's your provider?
Spl170s said:
..........Is it possible to just buy a new unlocked phone from online such as ebay and install sim card and it will work without needing programming or anything from phone business?
So, with the sim card....can i just swap it and it will work??

If you purchase an unlocked phone, or a phone that is set-up for the same carrier, it will work.
Our provider is centenial. Overpriced, crappy service. If she didn't have such a large payoff to cancel...i would cancel it.

I should be able to get another phone like this one or very similar unlucked for a decent price. I jsut wanted someone to tell me if this was the case. I just didn't want to buy a phone to fnid out i would have to pay centenial to set it up They get enough of our money. Cell phones are the devil. :biggrin:
If it works with the v220, then I HIGHLY suggest the V330 :) I had a v300 and loved it!