"UNGN or RRT or whomever GOP can paste their info? i don't see you disparaging them when they quote others!" I'm Sorry I thought you could corellate the posts that preceded my last two.

And my original thought preceded the inital post " GWB F@cked this up..."
More Failure

I guess I'm blind but I don't see them copying/pasting political opinions from newspapers or magazines. I'm reading political interpretations they're making based on logical/geometric thinking leaving emotion at the door unlike you, Foolish and Weeester.

By the way, you still failed to specify by example why I'm a hypocrite. I'm waiting.....:eek:
Originally posted by suprbuick7
TTA , you are a hypocrite!
SO NBC NEWS IS Political opinion? and yes you must be blind because your buddy's do cut and paste; and no I wont search to find their last Cut and paste job to prove it to you.
Originally posted by suprbuick7
SO NBC NEWS IS Political opinion?

You're so perceptive! Left wing slant on everything they report. Add ABC, CBS & CNN, too. I listened to some NPR yesterday. There oughtta be a law. :rolleyes:
None of this reporting can be true....Because we all know there WAS/IS....NO WMD and NO AL QAIDA IN IRAQ!! :eek:


Its a good thing to fight these people in the middle east, instead of your home town.
Why on earth would anybody - of any political persuasion - take seriously anything posted by "suprbuick7"? Why do I say this? Look it his/her/its profile:

Biography One tough MF'er
Location in your worst nightmare
Interests beating up old retired punks
Occupation Kick Boxer/ Enforcer for La Cosa Nostra

Stupidity is as stupidity does.

Originally posted by Bob Cosby
Why on earth would anybody - of any political persuasion - take seriously anything posted by "suprbuick7"? Why do I say this? Look it his/her/its profile:

Stupidity is as stupidity does.


If you sold Propane and Propane Accessories for a living, you'd make stuff up about your life, too.
I am more concerned with our wide open borders and George W.
Letting the hoards of the unwanted pour in and suck our system dry.
Iraq's borders are safer than our own :(
Originally posted by smallv6
I am more concerned with our wide open borders and George W.
Letting the hoards of the unwanted pour in and suck our system dry.
Iraq's borders are safer than our own :(
This is probably the most serious issue I disagree with GWB on - and it's pretty scary.
UNGN, I have my own business, what do you do? farm tumblweed? besides being a Bush panty sniffer?, and Bill Cosby? what took you so long to check my profile? I put that up there to last week tohumor some apparent hardline GOP freak. You people aren't too concerned that Bush's bio includes Poor grades, alcoholism and cocaine use and Lying?
"BUSH FAILED TO KILL Abu Musab Zarqawi "

But he's doing pretty good at killing 3000+ Americans.......

and counting
I find it very very amusing how some of you guys are saying this isn't Bush's ****-up, yet you are the same exact people who will quickly blame Clinton (I believe you dorks usually call him "Klinton") for not blowing up Osama when he "had the chance".

Let's just blame everything on Hillary.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by smallv6
I am more concerned with our wide open borders and George W.
Letting the hoards of the unwanted pour in and suck our system dry.
Iraq's borders are safer than our own :(

I agree. I have quite a few hispanic friends, but I will be very blunt here. We do not need anymore Mexicans. There should be a 30ft brick wall built from Brownsville, TX to San Diego, CA. If someone tries to scale it to illegaly get in this country they need to be shot (In the leg atleast) and thrown back over.
Originally posted by suprbuick7
You people aren't too concerned that Bush's bio includes Poor grades, alcoholism and cocaine use and Lying?

You forgot about "draft dodging".
Hey Bing Crosby, are you a crooner/dancer too? most weatherman I 've seen are wrong a majority of time, Is that true in other aspects of your life as well. UNGN, garbage men use the term sanitation "engineer", maybe your profession isn't far from that, you could be exaggerating.
How do you heat your home, grill your food? I am a successful wholesaler / retailer and construction company working with some of the East Coast's/ largest home builders and am a major supplier to Amerigas, the nation's largest propane Company, in this region.
Dabating with you guys is a fun exercise although sometimes it's like playing T-ball:D
Originally posted by suprbuick7
It looks like Bush F#cked up this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No more so then Reagan did for not taking out Bin Laden when Ollie North reported about him several decades ago.

How about Klinton for the not taking action over the USS Cole incident?.

How about every President since Eisenhouser for what we'll have to eventually do in N Korea?.

Looking back and saying we ought to have done something based on hindsight, doesn't do much/any good other then folks get to point fingers and say I told you so. Of course they often ignore the stuff they say we should have done the time. Another silly game. The past is history. Thou we can learn from it. The trouble seems that the learning process has been lost in DC.
It's kind of ironic that now NBC is crying about this when it was an event that happened when we were still trying to get Europe and the UN to get off it's a$$ and follow thru on it's own resolutions. I think we were trying to talk France, Russia, and Germany into joining the coalition. Of course they never did, they were still getting to much money from the UN and Iraq by bypassing the oil for food program that made all of those leaders including Mr. Annen multi bilionaires.
Bruce, I wholeheartedly agree,
My Point on these posts is to keep the debate honest between Kerry and Bush, Dems/ GOP. I hate to see one side bashed for mistakes that plague either at one time or another. My first antogonistic post was in response to a thread that had at least a half dozen GOP giving "atta boys" to each other over a flip flopping thread that was completely one sided.:)