Blue heeler

Turbo Indian said:
in you 2nd pic, it looks like ya'll are having a biting problem, is that true?

Nah... She's playing. She finally lost her baby teeth, thank god, chewing has subsided a lot. Wife is upset that she won't walk. As soon as the leash goes on, she sits. Work in progress. Phil.
our 2 do not even need a leash anymore. we go through Lowes leashless & folks are amazed.
Don't worry Phil, I am sure Brexton (spelling??) will go off leash in Lowes too - he just may at the opposite end of the store from where you are and biting other customers! I am sure people will be equally amazed, but perhaps for different reasons....
Haha!! Like I said, work in progress. The good thing is, she's very friendly, no aggression at all.
Its really comical to watch you throw the ball to your dogs. Your Jack Russell balances the ball on its nose while bringing it back to you WHILE the blue heeler tries to herd the Jack Russell.

try throwing a basket ball out in the yard, our 2 will herd & chase the hell out of them. we have learned to keep them real hard to keep them from popping them.
Turbo Indian said:
try throwing a basket ball out in the yard, our 2 will herd & chase the hell out of them. we have learned to keep them real hard to keep them from popping them.

Get them a bowling ball. Our lab mix loves his. He pretty much flattened any pnematic ball.
We have a Border Collie that is a great little dog. I also have a Gordon Setter that is a the best dog I have EVER owned. Anyone that doesn't like dogs needs to go away. Dogs are GREAT. Nice looking dog you have there.
Yep, we are those people.. our dogs go with us everywhere. I'll be at BPG tomorrow with our Jack, the Heeler is staying home with my two sons. She went to NC earlier this year, not quite ready for those overnighters!! Still a pup..