Barn Find


why am i always broke?
May 24, 2001
Well guys after a 4 year absense without a Turbo Regal I finally purchased a 1986 Grand National I have been begging the owner to sell me for 10 years. The car was in a barn/lean to type facility since 1992. It has 12452 original miles, interior is mint as a 12000 mile car should be, trunk carpet and t top bags look as if they have never been used, body has 2 small dings in it, bumper fillers are non existant, paint on the entire top of the car is checked, cracking, or scratched from crap being stacked on it for years. The motor has a blown head gasket, which is why the original owner parked it. I have already pulled the motor and got it at the machine shop getting prepped. Tansmission is at Nelsons Transmissions getting freshened up. Next up will be new black paint and some joyriding. I will try to post some pics now.




Nice find:cool: I suppose it didnt come with the optional tow strap:D

Cant wait to see it finished:cool: :biggrin:
That's great. Give us some progress pics when you get some!

Yeah, im really jealous too!:mad: :D
Welcome back.

Nice to here about one being brought back to life. Let us know the progress.

Congrats, and happy spooling.

Mike Barnard
I am extremely jealous. A barn find is a dream. Especially with the miles on it.

I am curious too as to what it sold for.
Glad to see you're back in the game. Keep the photos coming. My car was a barn find too.
Probrobly way too much, but I know the entire history of this car. What do you think would have been a fair price?
I'd say around $10k would be a fair price...say $4-5k in paint work and bumper fillers..another $2-3 in engine work from least those prices from a professional, could DIY for cheaper, new tires, tranny'll have $20k in it which ain't bad for a 12k mile car :)
Dang... are those the original tires ?:eek:

Original tires are still on car.:biggrin: Car was purchased new in Mississippi, where it has spent it's entire life, on January 7, 1986. I will try to get some interior and trunk photos today sometime.
Probrobly way too much, but I know the entire history of this car. What do you think would have been a fair price?

for a car that isn't running and needs paint. but only has 12k i guess i would think that 7-8k would be a fair price...kind depends if the guy new what it was worth...I would have tried to steal it for 4k :biggrin:
Since you know the story of the car how the hell did he blow the hg with only 12k as i am guessing a the farmer didn't modify it :confused:
for a car that isn't running and needs paint. but only has 12k i guess i would think that 7-8k would be a fair price...kind depends if the guy new what it was worth...I would have tried to steal it for 4k :biggrin:
Since you know the story of the car how the hell did he blow the hg with only 12k as i am guessing a the farmer didn't modify it :confused:

A professor at a local college purchased the car new, obviously was running car a little to hard and blew the gasket in late 1991. He thought he had blown the motor, car was out of warranty, so he just parked it. Around 1995, a good friend of mine who was going to school there, had this particular professor for a class and the subject got on cars & hot rods. Well long story short my friend purchased the car with the intent to repair and drive. Life got in his way, opened speed shop, then an internet speed shop, so the car just sat with me beggin him everytime I got around him to sell it to me. Finally on 4/16/2009, he called and we struck a deal. Thats the short version. BTW, I stole the car for a very good price, even though it needs work.:biggrin:
Why would the motor with 12K be at the shop for a HG? :eek:

Thats a $150 fix on a basicly brand new motor......

Wow, head gasket needed at 12k miles? That Professor mustve been really beatin the sh*t outta that car on 87 octane or something..:eek: