Anyone here use Code Acedemy

This probably belongs in the Lounge..

I've used Code Academy, Coursera, and Udacity. All are pretty good at getting you started in a new technology. I have a degree in CS, but had only been administrating a domain and some databases for years now. I used some courses from all these sites to setup a web server and create a site for employees to enter a questionnaire they're given. CA gave a good overview of how to use jQuery and CSS to make the site look more professional. Code Academy uses a web based editor to do challenges/exercises. They can be repetitive, but a I find that helps reinforce the lesson. It keeps it pretty basic to build a foundation of knowledge.

The other site offer more advanced courses in a broader range of topics. You could start there if you already know programming basics: declarative statements, program logic, and iteration.

This probably belongs in the Lounge..

I've used Code Academy, Coursera, and Udacity. All are pretty good at getting you started in a new technology. I have a degree in CS, but had only been administrating a domain and some databases for years now. I used some courses from all these sites to setup a web server and create a site for employees to enter a questionnaire they're given. CA gave a good overview of how to use jQuery and CSS to make the site look more professional. Code Academy uses a web based editor to do challenges/exercises. They can be repetitive, but a I find that helps reinforce the lesson. It keeps it pretty basic to build a foundation of knowledge.

The other site offer more advanced courses in a broader range of topics. You could start there if you already know programming basics: declarative statements, program logic, and iteration.


Thanks Bill. Been too lazy to look for myself and wanted to see if anyone has had real experience with it. It sounds like good info/lessons to be for free.