Anyone feel like Car Insurance is out of control?


Sep 13, 2003
Sorry but I just feel like venting. I have three cars, a 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee, 04 Dodge Stratus, and my 87 GN. I had one speeding ticket in 02 and an accident in 03 which was a hit and run- I got hit by an uninsured vehicle and the driver and passenger bailed and took off running. My wife has a perfect driving record. I have a 17 year old boy with a perfect driving record and today I just added my 16 year old boy to my insurance ( he just got his lic). Just got off the phone with my insurance company and my car insurance is now $6300.00 per year.
I have full coverage on the GN and Stratus and liability on the Jeep. Am I just crazy or does this seem like the going rate for car insurance. I know teenagers are expensive but my insurance rates have gone up from 1800.00 per year to 6300.00 in just two years. Seems like everything these days is going up except for wages!!! :mad:
It's them 2 teenage boys, goes down at age 25. Don't suppose they'd be willing to undergo sex change operations till they turn of age? :rolleyes: JK.
Daaaum! My 17 yo is paying $100 a month on his Blazer(on our policy). I have full on the Caddy DTS and Tahoe, basic on the Toyo 4x4 and Bonny and pay 2k. (1200 of it he pays) GN's are $321 for both at $10k each thru Grundy. Both bikes are full covered at about 350 per year. Sounds like you need to shop around!
I've got two teen boys getting ready to drive, and I was quoted 10k per year :eek:

2001 Excursion (turbo, or course)
2002 Saturn LW300 wagon
1996 Impala SS
1987 GN

The plan is for them to get on board to foot the bill for their insurance.

Clean records, good area to live in- time to ship the policy! I'll be putting the GN ( and maybe the SS) on Grundy tomorrow- 20k coverage for about $350.
Insurance costs ARE out of hand. I just delt with more BS from state farm when I got my Mustang. They wanted almost $300 a year to insure whats listed as an '80. I switched to Hagarty for around $150 a year. The GN is next, I pay around $420 for the GN with SF and Hagarty can do it for around $200 a year. My explorer runs around $500 a year and my Formula $789.63 (I just sent in the check yesterday). Keep in mind I have 0 speeding tickets and on top of that I am a NSC Defensive Driving Instructor. I am sick of State Farm, You get no reward for being a good clean driver :mad:
Come live in NY for awhile. Then you can whine about your insurance rates!

I have on my current policy:
2001 PT Cruiser, Full coverage
1994 Escort LX, Bare bones coverage
and I pay $240 a month (yes, I wrote per Month!)
all I have is 2 failure to obey traffic control device tickets that are 4+ years old.
I am 28 with no accidents on my record.
And, thats including a long term discount, since Ive been with them since I was of driving age.
$2880/yr for all that. This is through Nationwide btw. Places like progressive and geico were actually more expensive!
Nationwide can suck the hole on the south end of a northbound donkey! :mad: F'ing @*%^!!

And now back to your regularly scheduled insurance company love-fest.
SHOP AROUND!!!!!!!!!!

I have 4 daily driver cars & a 16 year old on the policy. The teen driver made it go up 1k.

I was paying $3k a year for a 96 olds, 02 grand caravan, 89 4x4 S-10 & 85 Monte Carlo. Also including the teen driver. That 3k is CRAZY!

I am now with AAA insurance at $2100 for a year. much better now

My TurboT is on a seperate insurance with more coverage $250 for 6 months.

Of course in NH you don't need insurance but that is plain crazy not to have it.