A Long Over Due Statement!

Thanks Shane/Jay for keeping this site going and for supporting the Turbo Buick community!!! I really enjoy this message board, in my opinion none of the other car related message forums come close in terms of the knowledgeable members as well as the great tech support for these cars. I have learned a LOT on this forum and made some good friends along the way!:cool: It's nice to know that you guys hold this board so sacredly, to not sell out like most people would do in a heartbeat!

We seriously were offered 6 figures for the board.

Thank You VERY MUCH for staying loyal to our cause:cool: It will be greatly appreciated for years to come by MANY of the members!
Well said Shane. You guys are appreciated.

I frequent only a few sites on the internet..this one, craigslist and ebay. Always looking for cars and bikes for sale. I've always been a chevy guy, but my TR will never leave my collection. This site is one of the reasons I'll never sell it.

The few parts I've bought have only been from vendors on here.

Speaking of ebay please stay away from the cheap chinese crap thats out there, step up and buy quality parts. Our cars are special and deserve only the best. It helps our 'one of a kind' community. :cool:
Times are tough. The economy is down and the cost of everything has risen. I feel the pain like everyone else. Something has been going on that has really itched me since we bought this board 2 yrs ago. I have read some shots here and there concerning this matter and just thought we should clear it up.

I know you guys are looking for the best deal out there, I do too when shopping for parts. Do us all a HUGE FAVOR AND Please try to take into account the Vendors on this site are the ones that pay to keep this site up for us. They give back to the community. We don't ask for donations here from members we ask the vendors to support the cost of the board by paying for their ads here.

There are A LOT OF COMPANIES selling TR products that don't support us here. Some try to get by with back door tactics...

As some would like you to believe:rolleyes: this board is NOT a money maker for Jay and I. It could make A LOT more money if we pimped it out to every yahoo that wanted to spend a few hundred bucks to screw people out of thousands... There are many other ways we could generate income here but it would ANNOY the hell out of the loyal and true members. So don't think it is all about the money.... It has more to do with RESPECT for the community and the history and presence of TurboBuick.com than anything IMO! I think it is clear that we have provided the BEST Buick board possible. Not saying we are perfect... The membership has almost doubled, post count is higher than it has ever been. I am proud of TurboBuick.com and all of its members and it is a privilege to be a part of it all!

We had an offer to sale this board for HUGE profit, I mean HUGE. I simply laughed and said they don't have enough money to buy this board...

I am loyal to this TurboBuick thing to the end guys... Every penny we put into this board or new products is all about the love of what we all share in common. The Buick Turbo Regal!

Just please pay attention to the front home page and the main forum page here on TurboBuick.com. That list will be changing VERY soon so look out for who decided to support the community and who didn't...

Thanks to all the great members out there that do this already and make no bones about it. When you order stuff let them know you are a TurboBuick.com member!

I don't understand what you're saying????? I get the part of supporting the vendors, not the rest.

Billy T.
This is my oldest home on the Internet.
I have learned so much and meet so many great people through this site.
To me this web site is synonymous with our cars.
Thanks Shane and Jay for your support and ultimately sacrifice for the community.
Wow, 6 figures for this forum. Makes me wonder what some of the larger forums like corral.net or others are worth!:eek:

Ive seen some larger forums go for 7 figures. I know of a group of forums that were just sold for 8 figures.

If you run a forum strictly as a business, you can make a lot of money from it. This place is not run like that. I work for a company that does run their forums that way, does bring in a crapload of revenue and if the ruleset we impose on those forums was imposed here, people would be shocked at what is not allowed when its "for profit"
Thanks Shane and Jay. This site is definitely appreciated by the TR community. Just to let you know, when I need parts, I go straight to the homepage to start searching the supporting vendors. Unless a local GN friend has a part I need I have only purchased from those here. Keep up the good work for us.
Thanks Shane & Jay for holding out on selling! I would hate for it to sell and this site fall appart! You guy's have really done a nice job keeping this website down to earth for us buick lovers. Ever since iv'e joined I have purchased parts from vendors off this site or used parts of members from this site.

Scot W.
Thanks for all the kind words guys!

I really didn't post this to get a pat on the back, all though it does make me feel good to hear your support! THANKS!

Billy, my main point was this; Please support the people that support us back. We take shots all the time about it is all about the $$ etc... Just pointing out that is not a money thing, it is for the love of the community and the cars....

Again, thanks everyone for the kind words and support!!!!!!

Makes me be proud to be a TurboBuick.com member, the best auto forum on the net!
Just out of couriousity, what types of changes would we see if this was a for profit forum??

Just out of couriousity, what types of changes would we see if this was a for profit forum??


The main issue here would be vendor links would not be allowed in the signatures, even supporting vendors. Also, depending on how it's handled, on a lot of forums we dont let people discuss non supporting vendors products. Other than one vendor that comes to mind here, we've pretty much overlooked all that stuff here.

Not to mention we would probably add about 4 or 5 more ads, possibly even creating a whole column of ads on the lefthand side of the page.

Trust me when I tell you there is a lot of untapped fundage on this site. We did the bare minimum to try to generate some revenue and that was about it.
I've been a member on this site since '98 (as well as being into the Turbo Buicks since '87) and it has always been about the cars and helping others. Through all of the ownership changes, everyone has worked hard to keep the same structure and environment. It's an honor to be a Moderator on this site and I for one, care a lot about this site. Thank you Jay and Shane for doing what you do and for keeping all of our interests at heart. I greatly appreciate it. I agree, I'm in it not only for the cars, but also for the friends that I've made here over the years. I have learned so much about these cars on here over the years and try to help others whenever I can. Sure I'll be quick to admit if I don't know the answer, but I will do whatever I can to point someone in the right direction to get an answer.

That is what this community is all about. I can tell you how frustrating it was, back in the beginning trying to find out info about our cars when the only people that knew anything were dealership service departments. (Circa '87-'92) Now a days, dealerships are clueless about our cars. Some of you can relate to what I'm talking about. Over the years, a lot of businesses have come and gone who specialized in these cars. Some of their parts worked, some of them didn't. But if it hadn't have been for this website, literally thousands of people would not know the truth and would have wasted their hard earned money.

To me, this board is the example of the Buick motto of "Going Fast with Class". Especially with regards to it's members and the vendors who continue to support these cars that we love so much. One other aspect about this site that I am thankful for, is that we have kept it a clean site. Free from adult content, and an honest to goodness place where you could sit down with your kids and browse the site without fear. That was one of the #1 factors that Mike originally brought to this site in the beginning. I am always referring people to this site, newbies I meet at car shows, even others who have interest in our Turbo Buicks on other car sites. It is honestly, IMO the best.

Thanks to all of the Moderators who contribute their time and knowledge, as well as all of the other Senior members who continue to contribute, even when it's something as small as a spark plug recommendation. And finally, Thanks Shane and Jay for keeping this board alive and well, just like it's always been and especially for not selling out like so many other car related sites have. You guys are the best.



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Seriously though if you guys go visit some bigger sites you'll see how bad it can be. I was kinda ticked when the google ads appeared here, but after seeing what they could've done they became pretty easy to scroll past. They can put ads in between each post and make them look like a regular post until you start reading it. Ads down the column, pop up ads, ugh. the list goes on. We are spoiled.
Shane. I understand completely. If my sig is out of hand, let me know. I'll change it. Don't worry. It's not driving any customers to me. I'm just a little proud of what I've accomplished with my car, like any other TR owner and like to share it. Probably to a fault. Believe me, if I thought there was any return in it for me, or if I simply had the extra money to help out, I'd be a paying vendor. I think you know my situation. Which is why sometimes I wonder why I spend so much time on this board. I sometimes think of how much time I spend here that I could be using to take care of a list of other projects I have. Can't help it. I love the board. I love turbo TRs. And I love that you didn't sell out. You have a special mix,... a special community going on here. More commercials could just upset the pond.

Oh, and me and my son do buy stuff from paying vendors on this board. We're proud to support them.
I too have been around TB.com for many years. I have seen many changes, But the best change I have seen for this board is when
Shane and Jay came along and took TB.com to the next level and continue to make TB.com a place we are all proud to call our internet home.

Shane - Jay, Thank you !