A Long Over Due Statement!


Owner/Admin TB.com
Staff member
Mar 1, 2005
Times are tough. The economy is down and the cost of everything has risen. I feel the pain like everyone else. Something has been going on that has really itched me since we bought this board 2 yrs ago. I have read some shots here and there concerning this matter and just thought we should clear it up.

I know you guys are looking for the best deal out there, I do too when shopping for parts. Do us all a HUGE FAVOR AND Please try to take into account the Vendors on this site are the ones that pay to keep this site up for us. They give back to the community. We don't ask for donations here from members we ask the vendors to support the cost of the board by paying for their ads here.

There are A LOT OF COMPANIES selling TR products that don't support us here. Some try to get by with back door tactics...

As some would like you to believe:rolleyes: this board is NOT a money maker for Jay and I. It could make A LOT more money if we pimped it out to every yahoo that wanted to spend a few hundred bucks to screw people out of thousands... There are many other ways we could generate income here but it would ANNOY the hell out of the loyal and true members. So don't think it is all about the money.... It has more to do with RESPECT for the community and the history and presence of TurboBuick.com than anything IMO! I think it is clear that we have provided the BEST Buick board possible. Not saying we are perfect... The membership has almost doubled, post count is higher than it has ever been. I am proud of TurboBuick.com and all of its members and it is a privilege to be a part of it all!

We had an offer to sale this board for HUGE profit, I mean HUGE. I simply laughed and said they don't have enough money to buy this board...

I am loyal to this TurboBuick thing to the end guys... Every penny we put into this board or new products is all about the love of what we all share in common. The Buick Turbo Regal!

Just please pay attention to the front home page and the main forum page here on TurboBuick.com. That list will be changing VERY soon so look out for who decided to support the community and who didn't...

Thanks to all the great members out there that do this already and make no bones about it. When you order stuff let them know you are a TurboBuick.com member!
Thank you for not selling out on us. If this place had any more ads I'd find a different board.

But I don't want to.
Can't believe you turned down my $1,000,000 offer for the board!???:biggrin:
Like I am getting rich selling TR parts?:)

But seriously, thanks for keeping the board going. Been around since the Jason/Chris days and as long as people keep buying our products I will be here. Hard to believe we are coming up on our 10 year anniversary of selling TR stuff.

The economy has been awful this year. Sort of funny (not really) how sales go down when the gas prices go up. Then with the recent drop in gas prices things take off again!

We are actually having one of our best years when it comes to gross sales but the profit margin is WAY down due some major increases from my main supplier of chrome pipes and rubber elbows used in our cold air kits. Have been keeping the cost pretty much the same but it is getting to the point where something has to give.

Some of the vendors have gone up on the items I sell for them as well and regretfully this reflects on the prices of certain items but how high can you go before people just stop buying? The Buick TR guys are a loyal and fanatical bunch and hopefully will always keep investing in their cars.

We always try to give something back to the community with our giveaways but it IS surprising to see so few others do so. Time to step up guys!

With that said, need to send in my payment for my banner ad!
We seriously were offered 6 figures for the board.
Some things in life are worth more than money. I would NEVER sell my GN for any price barring a financial disaster and I would need money to feed my family. Other than that there is no price for the blood(literally) sweat and tears I have given to my car over the years.

I agree with you wholeheartedly for turning down the money. Thanks for having the best forum on the internet. There are no other car owners who are more closely connected than TR owners. I guess being the hot rod/muscle car outcasts help too.;)

I will always continue to support our vendors no matter what.

We seriously were offered 6 figures for the board.

:eek: WOW!!! Thanks for not selling out!!!!!:D I try my best to support the vendors that keep this board going. Yes, I have seen "better deals" elsewhere but hey, nothing is free, including this site.

TR's are my only real hobby. I've owned one since '88 and have been buying stuff for them ever since. I do not believe I have ever sold any Buick part except an old, rotten '81 Regal. My Buick stuff is never for sale. I will go without before I sell parts, but then again, I have no family to support either.:rolleyes:
Much appreciation for the great information and discussions that have taken place on the board.
It truely is one of the best boards around. Its nice to come here and enjoy talking with everyone who youve known online for many years, its just like having a second family:biggrin:

Thanks for all your hard work Shane and Jay C.

I agree with Shane 100%. Lots has changed over the years and I spend my $$ with the vendors that support the sites and sponsor the races. There will be nobody left if we don't do our part as customers to keep them around. Seems pretty easy to spend your $$ with those who give back doesn't it?? :biggrin: :confused:
I've been around quite awhile here, I read tons of posts and threads in comparison to what I post. But the board has been a great help to me and lots of others, and I try to give back where I can. I try not to take it for granted, and Im reminded how much Im here when we lose our internet for awhile, or my PC has problems.
Some people are die hard TR fans, and I'm one of em. My Regal gets the garage, even though not running, while I fix all the other cars out in the rain/snow/heat/whatever. I probably woulda blown up my car years ago if it werent for this site.
Glad to see vendors supporting our hobby, even if it is very limited numbers in comparison to others.
Thanks to the admins and mods for making TB.com what it is! :biggrin:
Wow, 6 figures for this forum. Makes me wonder what some of the larger forums like corral.net or others are worth!:eek:

Thanks for not selling out. Add's on a forum are a neccesary evil to support the up keep and hosting cost, but some of these forums are just out of hand.

Support our vendors that support our enjoyment of the community and out annual races! :biggrin:
Thanks for what you and Jay and everyone else that contributes does for this board.

glad you didn't sell out. that's classy and hardcore at the same time. :cool:
Some people are die hard TR fans, and I'm one of em. My Regal gets the garage, even though not running, while I fix all the other cars out in the rain/snow/heat/whatever.

Whoa, deja-vu!!!! I have two in the garage, one needs me to get off my butt to fix a trans and all the other needs is a frame and a front clip!!!!:eek:
thanks Shane and Jay C, i can honestly say my GN would have never been possible if it was'nt for this board, and the vendors who keep are cars running. thanks again guys, :cool: