87 gn


New Member
Jan 21, 2010
Unfortunately I am suffering from a major paycut at my job. I bought the car only about 5 months ago when I got a promotion. It has been in the shop since then. Total engine rebuild. Port and polished head, transmission rebuilt too. The paint is pretty much the only thing left. I love this car and refuse to give it away for less than ive invested. Id rather be broke with my GN than losing out on what ive invested. If in the texas area and interested let me know. I need at least 8,000. I have pics but dont know how to resize image. I can email if necessary.
Man , can somebody loan me the money i really need to buy this car? I figure $10.000.00 would do. I need to fly down and drive it back to Connecticut. Just a two year loan will do at $400.00 a month. Come on guys someone has to have the money? I sold my t-type two years ago and i really miss my turbo car. HELP SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!