I F'ing Hate Pit Bulls!!!

What does a Pitbull breed have to do with anything? I have seen dozens of breeds of dogs fighting with each other at work. Comments like that is what gives that breed a reputation as being dangerous.

If you saw two Dalmations fighting like and ended up in the same circumstances would you have made such a post?

Ever do any research on how many Dalmations bite people each year? Ud be suprised what those numbers are.

The reason one might see a Pitbull engaged in more confrontations then other breeds is simply because they tend to have very large litters and many of the puppies become displaced or not placed at all and become strays and have to learn to fend for themselves to survive just as a human would.

Raise ur kid to be an azzhole and how do you think he/she will turn out? It's not any different for the environment an animal grew up in.
What does a Pitbull breed have to do with anything? I have seen dozens of breeds of dogs fighting with each other at work. Comments like that is what gives that breed a reputation as being dangerous.

If you saw two Dalmations fighting like and ended up in the same circumstances would you have made such a post?

Ever do any research on how many Dalmations bite people each year? Ud be suprised what those numbers are.

The reason one might see a Pitbull engaged in more confrontations then other breeds is simply because they tend to have very large litters and many of the puppies become displaced or not placed at all and become strays and have to learn to fend for themselves to survive just as a human would.

Raise ur kid to be an azzhole and how do you think he/she will turn out? It's not any different for the environment an animal grew up in.
I gotta disagree to a point,Frank has 3 and he treats like kings and queens and is never mean at all,and one attacked his wife on day over a bone on a chair or something.IMO They can't be trusted no matter how they are raised.
Imo anything can happen with animals. Same with humans. They could turn out aggressive and bite someone even if they were trained by the best trainer in the world. A high school friend of mine is a medical Dr. His youngest brother is a bum and has a felony record. They were both raised in the same house at the same time under the same conditions. Certain breeds are a much more serious risk. Ask your home insurance company about it. You will not get insurance or have to pay a higher premium if you have certain breeds. They will expalin. Insurance rates are based on statistics. Not someones wet dream even though some might think so.
Well this comes up a couple times everyyear,I would be interested to read your post if the offending dog was other than a pit.If in deed it truly was a pure American pit bull(most are not).I have had numerous dogs including American pitbull terriers ,And the latter was the only breed that was feerless in protecting his family,But would also put up with the kids poking them in the eyes and yanking tails.The problem is irresponsible owners and ill bred dogs.By the way how large was this "PITBULL".

No pun intended but this comes up way more than a couple times a year, in every state, along with other dog attacks IMO. I am not a dog expert and don't know the exact reason why these particular dogs attack, but what I do know is that most of the time when you hear about an attack, it's one about a PITBULL. In order to better understand PitBulls and other dogs in general I found this site that put things in better perspective.

DOG BITE LAW - Dangerous and Vicious Dogs

This on particular sentence really stuck out:

There is a side of this that is a current hot topic in the dog world: breed specific laws. It is a sad fact of life that the pit bull was created by mankind to kill other small animals. Like it or not, that is what the dog was bred for, and it remains the essence of the dog. Any one pit bull might be sweet to its owner, but is still "hard-wired" to kill other small animals. For that reason, pit bulls are dangerous to people because they have the in-born propensity to attack other people's pets, which often results in a redirected attack against the other people, or a bite to another person.
My buddy has two pits and they are awesome with kids and all his friends.It is how the dog is raised.I have a 120 lb rott that scares the pants off everyone that comes over.He is the most well manored dog I have ever seen.He is real friendly untill you mess with the girlfriend or my daughter but that is how he was since I got him and he was a rescue dog.A post above says it perfect.If you raise your kid to be an azzhole what do you think you are going to end up with? Same with dogs.
way to go RAY

I knew you were a stand up guy, risking your well being for others,
hmmmm maybe thats why your still serving our country?
I am in your debt!

Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Same exact thing happened to me :rolleyes: a Chow and a Pit were going at it, except I had a hammer :biggrin: (didnt use it :mad:). They lady brought us some good Chicken Noodle soup the next day. Glad to hear you helped the woman out.
As a former NYC police officer that worked in Brooklyn for more then a few years, many of us carried 22 short pistols to kill pit bulls, and this was a few decades ago! Almost every night somewhere in Brooklyn there was a mad dog run and 99% of the time it was pit bulls attacking people or other animals. Usually one shot into the dogs brain would kill it, (we stopped trying to break up these animals, killing it was quicker and prevented more damage to it's victims), but every once in awhile it would take 2-3 bullets in the head. We ALWAYS locked up the dogs owner, no matter if the dog broke loose or broke away from him.

They are not bad animals if trained correctly and taken care of correctly, but EVERYONE in Brooklyn was a Michael Vic wannabe!!!!
I've had pitbulls and I've had Chihuahuas, and I gotta tell ya my Chihuahua was more vicious then my pitbull was!!! My pit was as gentle as a puppy, but I couldn't walk my Chihuahua down the block without it going after everyone that passed by. Dogs just like people have their own personalities, you get good ones and you get bad ones, just like people. Couple that with bad training and lack of love and affection and you will get a monster! It's not the breed, It's the individual dog. For me it's based on experience not what people have said. Just my two cents.
I'm not a fan of Pits. I think one point being missed is not that they can be aggressive, it is just what Ray said about how they lock on. A vicious Chihuahuas can be killed by a good kick in the ribs, larger dogs can be hurt and will withdraw. He had to beat that dog on the head a bunch of times with a 2x4 to get it just to release and at that it didn't hurt it enough to stop it from jumping a fence and running away. Imagine if that was a 3 year old kid it was clamped on to? Sorry, way back in the primortial brain of those dogs is an instinct to clamp on and not release. If that comes out (even in the best trained dogs) it's not something that I would dare to have around my grandkids. It's just too risky.
Any dog that doesthat around here gets lead poising NO QUESTIONS ASKED.I will not put up with a dog that bites or attacks.It don't matter of the breed
My ex had this happen to her dog. The pit climbed it's fence and attacked her dog. Her husband heard the comotion and beat the pit to get it to unlock it's jaws. It ran back to it's yard. It didn't attack them at all. I guess it was a nice dog to people but very dog aggressive. I don't recall if they put it down or not. Their dog turned out okay, just some cuts. Too bad the dog was so aggressive hard to say if the owners knew or not.
I have to agree that it is the person. I have had chowchows all my life and they are ALL great dogs. Great watchdogs and protectors. Once they get to know you they are good with you. They have great memory's and they know who they can trust. They have all been socialized and once in a while there is someone who messes that up too. Our old neighbor got a chow for his kids but his was an animal who was chained up it's whole life with no contact with kids until Joe bought the dog. Within 2 hours of it being at his house and his kids pulling/tugging on it's leash, it had enough and attacked his youngest daughter and he actually had to pull out his 9mm and shoot it while trying not to shoot his daughter. The dog did snap. Was never trained to do anything like that. Just not socialized and didn't know any different. The old owner did not seem to care. Just a chain and a tree for company for that poor dog and now a lifetime of fear for the daughter. :mad:

I've had pitbulls and I've had Chihuahuas, and I gotta tell ya my Chihuahua was more vicious then my pitbull was!!! My pit was as gentle as a puppy, but I couldn't walk my Chihuahua down the block without it going after everyone that passed by. Dogs just like people have their own personalities, you get good ones and you get bad ones, just like people. Couple that with bad training and lack of love and affection and you will get a monster! It's not the breed, It's the individual dog. For me it's based on experience not what people have said. Just my two cents.

I believe owning a pitbull is like having a time bomb waiting to explode it's not if it will but when.

Atleast if you own a small dog and it attacks there is a good chance of not having major or permanent damage or loss of life, like you would with the pits or other aggressive larger dogs.
I gotta disagree to a point,Frank has 3 and he treats like kings and queens and is never mean at all,and one attacked his wife on day over a bone on a chair or something.IMO They can't be trusted no matter how they are raised.

Wrong Bud. Your using one example to justify a breed as being dangerous. One could say Dobermans are unpredictable and dangerous as well. Your son experienced that personally. Do you think my Dobe would have ever done that to your son? I would bet my life, house, and pension on it that it would never have happen and never would. It's NOT the BREED. It has nothing to do with the BREED.

Ever have a friend that you have known all your life committ sucicide? Many of us have. Sometimes people/animals do things that are unexpected and unexplainable. It's not the animal or human race its just something that happens and there is not always a reason for it. Animals like people can be unstable and unpredictable. I know mine isn't. But I cant say the same for others. Either way it has NOTHING to do with the BREED. People need to stop saying that about Pits. I also owned a pit and he was just as loyal, obedient and clear headed as my Dobe is. You have seen personally how well behaved and clear headed my Dobe is. Any dog I have owned or ever will own will act the same way.

A Pitbull is simply a Staffordshire Terrier. England recognizes these two breeds as the same and the United States does not but it's the same dog. You dont here about people saying how Staffordshire Terrires are so dangerous because Europe treats there dogs completly differently then the USA does. It's illegal to cut a Dobermans ears in most European countries. There standards are different and therefore their dogs turn out different as a whole.

A Pitbull in the USA is more aggresive to other dogs then they are or ever will be to humans. This being as I stated before, it's a survival instinct due to large litters and many often becomming strays and having to fight for scaps of food for survival.

Ghetto morons like to use them to fight because they are DOG aggressive in nature as they evolved over the last few decades. They are also lower to the ground and have an easier time locking onto another dogs neck to choke them out out. That is another main reason they are used to fight against other dogs. They are NOT HUMAN aggressive.

How many Pitbulls do you see working as Police dogs in the United States. None! How many Pits are used as Police dogs any where in the world? None! That is because they are not naturally aggresive towards humans and don't work well like that.

Google a search for personal protection dogs on the internet. See how many of those sites use Pitbulls are a personal protection dog. A personal protection dog is to be used to fend off HUMAN attackers not dog attackers. These personal protection agencies use German Shepards, Malinois, Dobermans (Rare tho), Roties (Rare tho), Cano Corso's, Giant Schnausers (Mostly in Europe tho), Presa Canario, etc.... NOT PITBULLS.
It does have something to do with the breed, and that is why Law Enforcement agencies almost always use German Shepherds as a breed choice whenever possible. And it is also why most of the breeds that you mentioned are not used by law enforcement. German shepherds are known to be good for crowd control, that is just the nature of their temperament. They are also not known to be a "1 person" dog, such as pits, press canarios, & so forth are known to be that way.
Just my $.02 worth, no flaming intended, and I am a animal lover at heart, but I will be damned if I will have a pet that might one day prefer me over his dog food.
It does have something to do with the breed, and that is why Law Enforcement agencies almost always use German Shepherds as a breed choice whenever possible. And it is also why most of the breeds that you mentioned are not used by law enforcement. German shepherds are known to be good for crowd control, that is just the nature of their temperament. They are also not known to be a "1 person" dog, such as pits, press canarios, & so forth are known to be that way.
Just my $.02 worth, no flaming intended, and I am a animal lover at heart, but I will be damned if I will have a pet that might one day prefer me over his dog food.

Exactly my point. The breed "Pitbull" has nothing to do with being aggressive towards humans. Just other dogs.
Brett, altough your post was dead on, I must say that a Staffordshire Bull Terrier is NOT a pitbull. However, an American Staffordshire Bull Terrier is the closest "pitbull" recognized by the AKC. And still if it was called that at a dog show, one would be frowned upon. The pitbull of today was derived mostly from a man named Floyd Boudreaux in Lafayette, Louisiana. He's been in prison for some time now. His bloodline was bred with bigger dogs to create today's common pitbull.

The majority of Staffy Bull are responsible individuals. Mainly because the cost to buy one.