Your insite needed


I was having a senior moment :confused: Thanks for the correction grumpy (70mach1, now you know why his handle is grumpy!) The 9.0 is for my 4.1 not my 3.8's. It should have stated 8.0 correctly. :eek: Sorry it takes so long for correction, my e-mail stopped signaling when I get replies a while back, so I don't always look.
As Paul Harvey would say, "now you have the rest of the story." :cool:
83ttypecooled said:
Nice one there.How could we TTA owners not take offense at that slam? I don't know about you, but in my case I sweated bullets to get to the point that I could even afford a TTA. These are the cars Buick should have made, but couldn't. Handling was on a par with the 'vettes of the day, and until the zr1, it blew them off. As far as I'm concerned, you have the F bodies totally misconstrued. Sorry for my huff, but you need to have some respect. Enough said....
Dude..maybe you missed the part where I wrote: "Its not a fair or correct stigma, but its there none the less."
Plus its not about TTA's. Its about F bodies in general.