

Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2005
Why do people spend their money on turbos and whatnot, before they get a steel column lock, good alarm, and a good club? What were you thinking? That should have been the VERY first thing you did, whether you live in beverly hills, or detroit, NEVER EVER bring that car home, without all 3 of those things. Maybe even Lojack too.
And when you take your car out, you should park it if you can, by a window, so you can keep an eye on it while in the store/restaurant. When you park it, turn the wheels all the way to one side, put the club on, so that it prevents the wheels to be turned back the right way (cuz theifs sometimes like to tighten up the club, and use it as a cheater bar, to break your steering wheel lock) and park the front end against something, like a light post, so when they try to yank it up on a flatbed, theyll have to do it from the rear, but itll turn all over the place, and be a pain in their butts.... think before you do things men.
My condolences to the guys that have lost their cars on here, but I have to say, most of em were due to laziness. Never EVER let your guard down on these cars. Its one of the prices of owning a classic G body. They are HIGHLY prized cars by theives... Ya better wake up before your cars gone.... I already had one (83 N/A, it was crap though) stolen right out in front of my house...
If a theif really wants your car, he'll get it.

BTW, those items you listed are about a bazillion years old and easily defeated. There are much better security devices available now.

The absolute worst thing owners do is not have proper insurance coverage. have the car appraised, make sure its covered for the appraised amount, and enjoy the car. If it gets stolen or otherwise totaled, you get a check and get another one.

I always found it amusing that some guys would do engine swaps on V6 camaros or mustangs, dump a ton of $$$ in them, brag that they are getting V6 rates on their high HP car, then cry when they get a $2500 check for the car when its gone.
Yes I agree. Have a good insurance company as well. True, a good theif will get your car regardless, but these things make him spend a little more time and effort doing it. Maybe sometimes making him pass up the deal for an easier car. Theyre more deterrents than anything.
But when a guy is seen using bolt cutters on a club or whatever, he may be scared off. Cuz, if you were thinking, you would park your car in a lighted area. Plus my alarm is really sensitive. Theyre all just things to deter. Which most people have none of.
Alarms. What a waste. How many times have you heard an alarm go off and decided to go find out what was happening? Unless you think its your car, you don't. I think an alarm is a good idea, but get one with the pager system.

GM High tech did an article on a theft deterrent device a couple months back, can't remember what it was called, but it looked very well thought out.

Remember, nothing stops the flatbed. Except a garage.....
turbosam6 said:
Alarms. What a waste. How many times have you heard an alarm go off and decided to go find out what was happening? Unless you think its your car, you don't. I think an alarm is a good idea, but get one with the pager system.

GM High tech did an article on a theft deterrent device a couple months back, can't remember what it was called, but it looked very well thought out.

Remember, nothing stops the flatbed. Except a garage.....

......and a 12 gauge with OOBuck! with a slug to back it up! ;)
insurance is great if you can find a carrier who does'nt want you driving it more than 100 miles a month :rolleyes: , i have a steering colom lock, 1 alarm, a code'd entry system you have to punch in the correct 5 digit code within 15sec or the alarm goes off ( from gm by BTW :) ) i have a closed circuit camera, with a 500 watt flood lamp,( w/ motion sensor placed on top of the roof ) i turn the wheels also, i have my jeep blocking it off with it's own alarm, Lo-jack early warning system and of course ( on the buick ) i sleep with my kimber tactical pro 45 next to me and my glock :D , ( you think i should sleep with the AR-15 next to me :rolleyes: ........ :D

if your wondering if i'm a little paranoid your right i am ;) and yes i have had a gn stolen from me :mad: and after what i went thru i vowed never to let it happen again :mad: good post , most of us don't mind spending monet on performance but security :eek:
How many times do ya go to see if its your alarm? EVERY SINGLE TIME. I went thru...well.. you wouldnt understand if i told you.. to get my mint grand national. if its just one inch outside my double locked garage, with the two pitbulls in the yard, then the alarm is on. and my ears are VERY tuned to its alarm tone. If i come out, and youre anywhere near my car, you had better have a vest on with at least a class 3 standalone rifle proof plate in it, cuz were gonna have a misunderstanding. straight away. When I'm out, its going to be within line of sight. if not, itll be within ear shot.
But the best protection I can give it, is to never even PUT it in a situation where i cant keep an eye out for it. like for exampe in a bar, where youre in it, and your cars in the parking lot outside for hours unattended. I dont do it. Never. Just use some good sense, and youll keep your car for a long time.
Turbo6Smackdown said:
How many times do ya go to see if its your alarm? EVERY SINGLE TIME. I went thru...well.. you wouldnt understand if i told you.. to get my mint grand national. if its just one inch outside my double locked garage, with the two pitbulls in the yard, then the alarm is on. and my ears are VERY tuned to its alarm tone. If i come out, and youre anywhere near my car, you had better have a vest on with at least a class 3 standalone rifle proof plate in it, cuz were gonna have a misunderstanding. straight away. When I'm out, its going to be within line of sight. if not, itll be within ear shot.
But the best protection I can give it, is to never even PUT it in a situation where i cant keep an eye out for it. like for exampe in a bar, where youre in it, and your cars in the parking lot outside for hours unattended. I dont do it. Never. Just use some good sense, and youll keep your car for a long time.

You need to MOVE or you are extremely paranoid!!!!!!
ones location has nothing to do with it. you can get ripped off anywhere.
If you think IM paranoid, look at this guy lol

"i have a steering colom lock, 1 alarm, a code'd entry system you have to punch in the correct 5 digit code within 15sec or the alarm goes off ( from gm by BTW ) i have a closed circuit camera, with a 500 watt flood lamp,( w/ motion sensor placed on top of the roof ) i turn the wheels also, i have my jeep blocking it off with it's own alarm, Lo-jack early warning system and of course ( on the buick ) i sleep with my kimber tactical pro 45 next to me and my glock , ( you think i should sleep with the AR-15 next to me " ........

But, the term "worth" is all relative to what each individual had to do, to get their prized possession. and then, what they did, determines if they even HAVE a prized posession. Look at the genius paris hilton. shes worked for NOTHING. Everything in her life is throw-away. Therefore nothing has any real worth. Ya see? If youre given things, youll never appreciate them. Its all relative. If it takes you 6 years to save up for a car, its going to be worth more, than a car that took you one year to save up for... Its all relative..

Me? I got shot at, IED'ed, 81 & 120mm mortars, 120mm rockets, and small arms fired at me for an entire year, with zero mid tour leave, and zero R & R passes to get mine. You bet your little heiny Im keepin my car in my posession no matter WHAT it takes. And I'm a pretty trained professional. I could go to some extraordinary lengths to keep it that way too. :)
1-remove the shock sensor from your alarm pick up a second siren and make shore the two sirens come on at the same time.
the reason i say loose the shock sensor is to loose the false alarms.
that way when you hear your alarm you will know for shore its not a false alarm.

this is what i did and i heard my alarm ran out of the house and found my drives side door openend with no other damage.
another time the alarm goes off and i look out of my window and there is a tow truck hooking my car. called the police and they got the dude.
he got charged with trying to steel my car and for stolen tow truck.

the reason my alarm went off the second time is that i had 2 mercury tilt switches.
Kill em all!

The law just needs to put the death penalty on anyone cought stealing a TB.
Do it like in the old days. In front of town hall on Sunday @ high noon. :eek: I'd be there. :D
i want to keep my car

on my next car i will do all the regular stuff talked about above and i am also getting the satelite tracking thing.
also getting a stated value ins. policy.

like i said some time ago
1-loosing the hood and going flat
2-loosing all the sfi turbo stuff and adding limited stuff.
3-loosing the OE wheels for a set of 16" irocs love does wheels.
The odds someone may try and swipe your tb from your home increase or decrease dramatically with your location imo. I have just finished moving for no other reason than to get both my gn's to a "safer" home. I had a garage where I was at, but it was a detached garage. And if someone really wanted them....well. and you hate to profile people around your neighborhood. But statistics (usually) don't lie. After enough suspicious looking people stare at your car when you pull into your street, make it a point to watch you park, and are either rude, or overly friendly... I'd be a moron to not be smart enough to take action. So I moved. I understand it may not be as easy for some people to just up and do that. Both are insured for a reasonable amount, but I'd rather increase my chances of them not getting swiped vs. getting a check for them, its not about an appraised value as to why I love my turbobuicks.
turbosam6 said:
Alarms. What a waste. How many times have you heard an alarm go off and decided to go find out what was happening? Unless you think its your car, you don't. I think an alarm is a good idea, but get one with the pager system.
I feel the same way about this as do the brakes on our cars. Everyone wants to go faster and worry about stopping later...but thats another topic ;)

Well like stated above, if someone wants your car, they're going to get it. The best thing is not to make it easy and to have decent insurence.

As for car alarms, I always laugh when I hear one go off when ever it thunders or someone cats jumps on some dudes car :rolleyes: The alarm really needs to be set where you have to plow another car into it, in order for it to make a sound. Just wire it up to the interrior lights...including head lights. That will emliminate false alarms and the alarm will ring everytime someone so much as cuts on the dome light on or head lights. You'll get along better with your neighbors and maybe even get more people listening in for it instead of blowing it off. Also, DO NOT, install those car alarm warning manufactures stickers. This only lets the theif know what system you have so he will be aware how to defeat it. Simply installing an LED light will allow people see see you have an alarm system installed but want tell them what kind. The other thing is, have TWO - THREE systems in place. A car is gone in 60 seconds right? Well it slows them down if they have multipul systems to crack. Heck, I would for kicks install a Club on my car lol Sure you can saw or pick the lock in 15 seconds, but that alarm is sounding off while you're doing it. Also, hide the noise maker....under the batter area etc. Try and hide the wiring as well and also look into to noise makers. Install one of front and the other near the truck. They cut one wire, they still have to find another wire. Just don't take it for granted you got a colum lock and everything is ok...I used to be a locksmith and it takes me about 15 second to pick those and clubs. Even quicker if it a barrel type key like they use on coke machines. The same thing goes for Kirbans mystery system...any real good theif would buy that system just to figure out how it works. I can't stress how much It is to have multipul systems and good insurence.

I actually have crapy insurence but the car stays locked up in nthe garage iof one of the safetest neighbors hoods in town with a home alarm system that reports issues dirrectly yo the police. I drive the car about 10 miles a month dude to technical issuesl. Once I get them fixed, I'll up the insurence to full coverage and get an alram installed. Just finding a club is going to be the hard part lol
I'm fairly paranoid about getting only my GN stolen..for some reason I don't worry about the other ones..guess its because I have too much time, sweat, blood, and tears into it. Before my garage was rigged the way it is now..won't go into details, but my old garage had one window that faced out towards the woods...would be the only window a theif would try to get into to get access to the garage, I rigged a trip wire which connected to a 2x6 that was hinged to the ceiling at the wall.. at the end of the 2x6 was a cinder block and 8 railroad nails about 10 inches long...someone comes thru that window and they'll have 8 nails through their body :eek:
I was always looking forward to walking out and find some poor soul nailed to death...
Then that same poor dude's mom would get stuck owning your GN after she sues you for wrongful death. A car isn't worth killing anyone over...that is what good insurence is for ;)
Theivery just hits a sore spot with me, take something that I worked my azz of to get, and I would be happy for that person to die..there's would be less theiving if everyone did not have your attitude.
First his mom would have to find him, which would be impossible at my place :tongue: oh sorry the theive came thru the window and tripped and landed on some nails sticking through a board on my property :biggrin:
And you're in TX where its legal to shoot someone taking your property :smile:
Even an armed escort wont stop theives if they want it bad enough!
I dont have any of that because I've never had a car stolen, its properly insured, and there are better things for me to spend my money on - like keeping it running, paying bills...
I have a kill switch, but i know it would take about 2 sec for them to bypass it...
yea, thievery hits a sore spot with me too. I applaud and encourage any and all booby traps, to kill, maim or injure any would be buick thief. I have absolutely no compassion for a man trying to steal my buick. If i could rig up a claymore (anti-personnel mine) in my backyard, i would. But stealing the car out of my garage is an impossibility. Its when its out on the road i worry. The only system i could think of, to rig, would be a really loud siren or something, with its OWN powersource completely contained in the trunk, a locked compartment. tripped by motion sensors and/or mercury switches. its a fairly easy rig to set up, and in fact, im sure theres already multiple products like that out there now.
however fast you can pick a lock, youre going to have to bust my window, or jimmy something to open my door, once you do that, the main alarm is going to sound. (if you didnt already defeat that) if you did, youre still going to have to pick the column lock, and club. once you do that, starting it is impossible, as mine has a fuel cutoff switch. if the code from the keypad isnt hit, the fuel is NOT coming on. period. you can do the old 'yank the starter wire off, and reset the alarm' trick my brother taught me, but that only resets it. it doesnt turn the fuel back on :) remember, youre doing all of this while my trunk alarm is going off. now ya gotta go around, pop the trunk lock, and pull IT too. i will have heard all this commotion by then. theres no way possible you could get my car from the street in 1 minute. theres just too many physical tasks to accomplish at once. but, i agree, if theres noone around, you could just break things, crack the steering lock, and flatbed it. but youll have alarms going off while youre doing it though.
My last effort, would be to get a few more pitbulls than I already have. maybe form up a squad sized element. take em to police obeidience school, and have em trained to attack when a certain alarm is sounded. once that certain noise is instilled into their heads, install a doggie door in the house, so they could all run out and kill at the sound of that noise. that flatbed crew would be quite suprised to see a squad sized pack of staffordshire terriers runnin out to intercept them lol. When you see someone is that fanatical about keeping their car, you tend to just say 'fu**it'.. its not worth it.
And yes, insurance is a must to have and the car be insured for the proper amount for many other reasons besides being stolen as well.
A world where theives don't have to worry about resistance or other dangers because the honest people all have insurance and don't care if their possessions are taken because they have insurance is not a world I'd like to be in. And to mention that you'd rather spend your money some other way than to worry about theives taking your stuff, how about spending that money on your higher insurance rates because of theives freely taking stuff..and higher retail prices at the mall because of stolen goods which translate to higher prices...I say everyone should kill a theif in the act if caught, that would deter that cycle.
Oh, and those with expensive radios, take the screws out of the back a little and screw down razor blades to the back of the radio, when they reach in to pull the radio out, they'll have some nicely sliced up fingers. I know a childhood friend that used to steal radios and he really got sliced up by one one time and had to have 20+ stitches in his fingers and wrist and it made him stop stealing radios.