WHOPPER speeding ticket

Seen worse ;) I do believe one of the corvette forum guys got hit for 205 in a 55. :eek:
And to think....the worst I ever got was a 96 in a 55 (clocked @ 96 after slamming on the brakes and downshifting twice :eek: ).....
......I feel so.....so, inadiquate! ;)
OMG, this guy was a pure idiot. How can you have a car like THAT and drive drunk, speed and resist arrest. This car didn't even have current inspection? Come on.. you can afford a car like this and you can't even afford to have the correct inspection?

I wonder how long it took a stopped cop car to catch the car that passed him doing 182. In the 20 seconds it took for him to start his car and start moving the car would already be a mile ahead. By the time he got up to pursuit speed, which in this case would have to be about 210 MPH the car would have to be at least another 4-5 miles down the road.
