what is the lowest thing you have seen cop do?


3rd Member
Aug 5, 2003
I was reading the "Spot Checks" post and decided to post this

I have 2

1. Coming back from eastern long island on Sunrise Highway. Some of you may know it is very active out there in the summertime. So we were heading west and came upon a large car (Crown Vic or something) with its trunk up, you would think it was someone changing a tire. Well in front of this car was a copper with radar, both cars were police cars. I didn't have a radar detector but you would have no way of knowing it was police until he pulled you over

2. Heading east on Southern State Parkway, I was in the middle lane at about 65, this State Trooper just appeared next to me. He was clocking me because he was going to pass me but had to slow down to clock me. I was pissed because it damn near gave me a heart attack. prick.
Not sure where this happened NH or MASS but recently I read about a couple of cops working 3rd shift & going home with cruiser to sleep. One was caugt doofus spending 5 hours at his house. The average was 2 hours at thier homes.
Talk about cheating the taxpayers of this country!

The other thing I hate is when the local patrolman's union calls looking for money! My standard line is I am unemployed!
Originally posted by littlesixsteve

The other thing I hate is when the local patrolman's union calls looking for money! My standard line is I am unemployed!

Don't you hate that when they want money for there "Ball" or Blue Shield? They are paid for a job and then beg money. I tell them I donated $65 for a bull**** seatbelt fine and to use that money.:mad:
These guys are pretty low:


Hero 101 Precinct cops who saved six from an arson fire Wednesday were (left to right): Police Officers Joe Arguello, Ralph Jones, and Sgt. Timothy Emmett. (Not pictured were Kerry Garrecht, Louis Griffith, Kevin Murray and Robert Kane.)

By Joan Ward George

Seven of Rockaway’s "Finest", traveling in a 101 Precinct anti-crime unit van, spotted a fire on a porch in Far Rockaway Wednesday afternoon and, within minutes, rescued seven people from the quickly growing inferno at a one family dwelling located at 23-02 Cornaga avenue.

Sgt. Timothy Emmett and Police Officers Joe Arguello, Ralphg Jones Kerry Garrecht, Louis Griffith, Kevin Murray and Robert Kane were passing the Cornaga avenue home at approximately 1:10 p.m. Wednesday afternoon when, according to Sgt. Emmett, Police Officer Murray noticed that a pile of furniture was burning on a front porch of a building that they had just passed.

According to police, while immediately calling the fire department, they turned their van around and, by that time, the flames were rising almost to the roof of the two-story home. All seven police officers at the scene participated in knocking down the front door of the building. They entered the smoke filled house and were responsible for rescuing a 74 year old woman, two adult males, and three small children.

The raging inferno turned into an "all hands" fire that took firemen more than a half an hour to bring under control. Fourteen units and 62 firefighters fought the fire. Fire department officials reported 11 injuries, including Police Officers Garrecht and Griffith.

Fire Marshals Dave Winter and John Holohan declared the fire "suspicious in origin."

One of the adult men that lived in the house told police at the scene that he had been involved in a verbal fight with a man not long before the fire broke out. A description of that individual went out over police radio and Jesse Ringheiser, 42, of 13-83 McBride street, Far Rockaway, was picked up shortly thereafter at the corner of Mott and Cornaga avenues. Ringheiser was questioned at the 101 Precinct. He confessed to fire marshals and was arrested and charged with arson.
Lowest dang thing I've ever enountered was being invited to a cop's house and the only beer available was Miller Lite and MGD!!!

THAT, is downright sinful--not drinking good 'ol bud or something along that line.

But, it was free, and I kicked butttt at pool and Horseshoes and relieved them of their cofffee money.:D :cool:

Just a short note above to help lighten up the thread. Have a great day (Memorial).:)
well, I've had my share of cops and I'm mixed on it personally, but cops around here are terrible drivers. pet peeves:
1)USE YOUR DAMN TURN SIGNAL I'd say cops around here use blinkers less then %25 of the time.
2)driving 75 on a 55 highway is not exactly legal.
3)turning on your domes to pass through a light then shutting them off (seen this once or twice)

it's just damn people, you're supposed to be enforcing the law (the 75 in a 55 guy pulled me over/ticketed me for a rolling stop) therefore you should be peerless in the use of your power and your honesty. I still havn't gotten myself a radar detector like I told myself I would when illinois implemented their quotas. Oh yeah, if you drive through the southern half of illinois watch out for Wayne county and Nashville, Illinois #1 ticket writing county/city in illinois. On the other side of that there are some pretty damn cool officers that let me get away with stuff I probably shouldn't have, mostly involving large, large amounts of fireworks.
1. speeding....like 20 over w/o their lights on
2. no turn signal
3. no seatbelt....wtf??? way to practice what they preach huh?:rolleyes:

I've been tailgated by cops before at 2 am. That was annoying.
I've almost been run over by a cop too. I was doing 30 in a 35 that had just split into four lanes an the moron came outta nowhere probably doing 60. I'm suprised he didnt slam into my trunk it was so close.

I think cops need to be taken down a peg. Or have the baton taken out of their butts.
I just don't know what to say here, but I have never seen any West Coast Law Enforcement/Fire Department/Paramedic/Emergency Personnel of any type do any of this. I hope that none of the emergency personnel that gave/lost their lives on 9/11/01 are reading this.
How about have some guys try to run me and my girlfriend off the road with her 5 and 14 yr old sisters in the car with the parents in front watching the whole thing. Finally get forced off the road, get in a fight with two guys 6'5" 260lbs and 6'4" 230 lbs (according to the police report). Call the police myself after the fight is over, have the Sheriff wrght a false report. Write me up for wreckless driving since I got forced off the road, assult and battery even though I got swung at first by two people 25-55lbs heavier than me, vandalism because a window got knocked out in the fight, and have to go to court 6 times to defend myself. The Sheriff even told me after I started getting mad that he wasn't doing something that he couldn't do anything "because I have 7 gang members watching my every move". After that, I told him since he was scared, I would finish the two off in the field myself since he was so incompetent. To this day, if I ever see that guy again, we're going to have a few words.
The other thing I hate is when the local patrolman's union calls looking for money!

Many of those telemarketer calls soliciting money for police groups or fireman groups are borderline scams. They always try to make you feel like a heel if you don't donate. I've been on to them for a while and will play around with them. I act very interested in donating:

Me: "well certainly that sounds like a very worthwhile organization. I'd be very interested in donating. Wait, before I get my credit card, what percentage of the money I'm going to donate actually goes to this organization?"

Them: "Fifteen percent" (In all the dozens of calls I've gotten like this, it's never been more than 15%)

Me: "Only fifteen percent! My that's outragious! You should be ashamed of yourself"

Them: "yes sir"


Not a damn person on earth would donate money to these things if they new 15% went to the organization and 85% went to the telemarketers. To me that qualifies as a scam. When you are asked to donate, always ask. They are required to tell you.
Originally posted by littlesixsteve
Not sure where this happened NH or MASS but recently I read about a couple of cops working 3rd shift & going home with cruiser to sleep. One was caugt doofus spending 5 hours at his house. The average was 2 hours at thier homes.
Talk about cheating the taxpayers of this country!

The other thing I hate is when the local patrolman's union calls looking for money! My standard line is I am unemployed!
That was in Salem, NH. A guy that felt he was unfairly ticketed hired a PI to follow cops around and video them. He got 3 of them going home while on duty and not leaving for hours. At this point I don't think they got much more than a warning.
My bother-in-law is on the Sheriff's Dept in Chicago. He used to be in internal investigations. He did undercover work on a captain that had a string of cat houses. Guess captains pay wasn't enough:confused:
Being followed for two miles through town at 9:00 at night, and then being pulled over two houses down from my own house. Ask what I was doing in the nieghborhood. I dont know maybe going home. I was not even told why I was pulled over, and I know I did not break any laws. I was not even given a reason why I was pulled over. :mad: Because the police have nothing to do after dark does not give them the right to harress me.
Originally posted by BlackBuick84
1. speeding....like 20 over w/o their lights on
2. no turn signal
3. no seatbelt....wtf??? way to practice what they preach huh?:rolleyes:

I've been tailgated by cops before at 2 am. That was annoying.
I've almost been run over by a cop too. I was doing 30 in a 35 that had just split into four lanes an the moron came outta nowhere probably doing 60. I'm suprised he didnt slam into my trunk it was so close.

I think cops need to be taken down a peg. Or have the baton taken out of their butts.
I am a deputy sheriff and will help dispell the rumors/questions about what cops do/don't do.

1. Speed - When you're behind the wheel of a marked police car and need to get from point A-B somtimes it's better to do so WITHOUT your lights on. People react like IDIOTS when they see flashing blue lights behind them. I activate my lilghts to legally cross an intersection then turn them off get past that area.

When I'm on a freeway and not on a call I drive the EXACT posted limit. You should see the pile up of cars behind me. Do you appreciate that? Probably not but it's what I'm supposed to do.

2. Turn Signals - NO EXCUSE!! I drive how I would in my own car. I can't say this for every person I work with. I'm sure those reading this would agree with the fact they work with someone who blatantly breaks the rules. Police work is no different. We all don't agree with each other's performance, tacticts or attitudes.

3. Steatbelts - I agree that we should set an example as well. However, you may see an officer without his belt on and think "that's not right". At times there are occasions where we are responding to alarms, calls for service, back-up or the like when we MAY need to jump from our cars on a split-seconds notice.

None of us are perfect and when we get tickets (and I have) like to blame someone else. If you're given a ticket don't look to others who may have gotten away with like conduct, but look to yourself and ask this question "did I do something illlegal/wrong?" If so, you only have yourself to blame.
What a sad thread this is!

Sure,.... I have had my share of "trouble with the law" but nothing big. (insert Urinating in public here, $110 OUCH!!).
A few driving tickets etc.

I feel much safer these days when I see the Police. We might as well live in Iraq if we did not have anyone protecting US here in our homeland. When I see a cop or firefighter in a gas station, eating etc... I tell them THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!

WHO else goes to work EVERY day and for EVERY minute they are there, their lives are at stake????????????

Certainly not mine at GM.

Originally posted by TT/A1233
I am a deputy sheriff and will help dispell the rumors/questions about what cops do/don't do.

When I'm on a freeway and not on a call I drive the EXACT posted limit. You should see the pile up of cars behind me. Do you appreciate that? Probably not but it's what I'm supposed to do.

2. Turn Signals - NO EXCUSE!! I drive how I would in my own car. I can't say this for every person I work with. I'm sure those reading this would agree with the fact they work with someone who blatantly breaks the rules. Police work is no different. We all don't agree with each other's performance, tacticts or attitudes.

3. Steatbelts - I agree that we should set an example as well. However, you may see an officer without his belt on and think "that's not right". At times there are occasions where we are responding to alarms, calls for service, back-up or the like when we MAY need to jump from our cars on a split-seconds notice.

None of us are perfect and when we get tickets (and I have) like to blame someone else. If you're given a ticket don't look to others who may have gotten away with like conduct, but look to yourself and ask this question "did I do something illlegal/wrong?" If so, you only have yourself to blame.

No.1 I laugh at this everytime it happens.I like to watch people doing 75+mph come flyin' up on the group and see how long it takes him to spot the patrol car..

No.2 no comment, I don't use mine unless another car is close enough to need to see it.

No.3 These officers not wearing seat belts may be the ones who don't write tickets for them, or may let you slide one or twice because they don't like them either.

But,I do hate the tailgating or tailing maneuvers when I'm out at the late hours and haven't done anything wrong.I always want to just pull over and ask if I can help you with directions or something.Why is that frowned on by cops I wonder.I mean, obviously they want to pull me over for something..
One came to the scene of an accident just outside his neighborhood where his wife was drunk and at-fault in the accident with my parents. He took her home!

My wife and I came to the scene and a second cop threatened to arrest my wife when she demanded that the other driver be returned to the scene for a sobriety test.

After seeing this corruption between several cops (3 involved), I have little faith.
Originally posted by scottyb
One came to the scene of an accident just outside his neighborhood where his wife was drunk and at-fault in the accident with my parents. He took her home!

My wife and I came to the scene and a second cop threatened to arrest my wife when she demanded that the other driver be returned to the scene for a sobriety test.

After seeing this corruption between several cops (3 involved), I have little faith.
That behavior is quite deplorable and inexcusable. You can make complaints to the dept. chief and if that doesn't go anywhere go to the news.

I know it's tough but it isn't fair to paint everyone with the same brush.

A co-workers wife just got arrested for drunk driving only 50 yards from her house. She was in the wrong and paid for it.