What has happened to this site

Firefox with some add ons an no more errors, no more ads, no more span. It's the only way to go.
I guess I am old fashion and plan to stick with my IE. Not sure what my company policy is on adding such software anyways. I was talking to another TR owner that used to come on here often. Like anther friend, he feels the same way. They just don't put up with it an does not come on here. Maybe one day the board will switch over to an IE frendly BBS system and we can visit more often. Mike
You upgrade your car...why wouldnt you upgrade your browser??? Its FREE !!!

I use chrome and not IE and having same issue, This is the only site that I have this issue with!
If Microsoft would stick to web standards IE might be good. Ever since IE6 I've had to make stuff for both IE and everyone else.... IOW use chrome/Firefox/etc. even some of our major bank clients now don't use ie exclusively.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
This site has issues with IE, such as can't view pics, make posts/replies, etc, etc, etc. When I have to make a post and/or view this site, I log on with Chrome. This is the only site I have issues with IE.

Billy T.
This site has issues with IE, such as can't view pics, make posts/replies, etc, etc, etc. When I have to make a post and/or view this site, I log on with Chrome. This is the only site I have issues with IE.

Billy T.
IE sucks on my end also ,will not let me stay logged in, keeps losing my pass word , Firefox works great no issues at all

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app