WE4ster a Viet Nam SEAL?

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TTA, Your Welcome!

Did I hit a sore spot?, bruise your fragile ego? I know how some cops can be. ( on I forgot, you won't respond, I'm on your "list) I on the other hand will read and respond to all posts I wish because you make me laugh. Putting someone on that "list is for people (in the words of big Jack who" can't handle the truth"):)
Originally posted by GNandGS
I think we4ster is really Sara Ramos who is really _______ ......

Who really was Sara Ramos? She didn't turn out to be a liar like WE4ster, did She?

WE4ster strikes me more as that McNiece piece of work. What was his name again? The guy who was always talking about "slabs".
It shouldnt matter who a person is, but sadly it does. When a concerned citizen speaks up, who listens? When a Governor or Congressman speaks up, people listen. You all proved my point!
I listen to all the rhetoric and character assasination on political threads and it disgusted me, so I decided to have a little fun. Hey, I have a twisted sense of humor. I apologize to any of the more liberal posters on this board. The so-called gung ho conservatives........Not! You are not willing to discuss anything on an intellectual basis that is contrary to your "belief" system. Thats a shame!
Originally posted by GNandGS
I think we4ster is really Sara Ramos who is really _______ ......

Sarah Ramos was the name of one of the people killed near Silver Spring, MD by the sniper a few years ago. Oddly enough, Sara Ramos also claimed to be from that region.
Originally posted by 87We4ster

Navy Seal: No
(Well, that's his story today.
Tomorrow who knows? Maybe C.I. A. or a fireman or a policeman or an astronaut or President of the US or anything else little boys pretend to be.)

Navy: Yes, Aviation Machinist Mate...flew aircrew and f-4 mech[/QUOTE]

Maybe. Maybe not. May just own wrenches and drive past an airfield sometimes....Imagination is a wonderful thing!

Vietnam: yes [/QUOTE]

Yes, it's a county? Yes, you know where it is on the globe? Yes you served there? With your credibility they're all equally believable/unbelievable.

Fooling reneks: Lots of fun[/QUOTE]

No harm there, except that while most everyone else presented themselves honestly, you made up a background that doesn't exist. Why, so people would be more receptive to your liberal rantings (like I was.) I know you consider me a redneck (I'm not from California after all, but I did serve in the USAF there!) so if you enjoyed this little ruse, congratulations!

Ever claim to be a Seal other than on this board: No[/QUOTE]

This sound like the classic William Jefferson Clinton "I did not have sexual relations with that woman..." line to anyone else?

Couldnt resist jerkin Redneks/Conservatives chain![/QUOTE]
Again, no harm there. You just lied about who you are.

Are conservatives gulible: yes[/QUOTE]

And a little too trusting of fellow TurboBuick.com board members apparently. Who'd think in a discussion as weighty as the one's you've been in, that you'd lie about who you are?

Will continue to pull their chain on political matters![/QUOTE]
Whatever makes you happy! Hard to pull on chains that have you on the "ignore" list.

Get a sense of humor![/QUOTE]

Got one! A good one! You didn't lie as a joke, though. So why did you? Feeling a little insecure? I'm sure there's a liberal, Democrat supported program to help you feel better somewhere.
Try www.pathologicalliarhelp.com

The name mac looked up was made up! toooooooooooo funny![/QUOTE]
Why shouldn't that be a lie, too?

Lose of credibility: probably[/QUOTE]

DEFINITELY! You've rendered yourself completely irrelevant! Nice job!
Originally posted by gn85
Sarah Ramos was the name of one of the people killed near Silver Spring, MD by the sniper a few years ago. Oddly enough, Sara Ramos also claimed to be from that region.

Thats a different one... the one I speak of seemed to have an identity crisis also - once that was in question nothing could be trusted.

Its justa little flashback to the IRC days.

Originally posted by GNandGS
Thats a different one... the one I speak of seemed to have an identity crisis also - once that was in question nothing could be trusted.

Its justa little flashback to the IRC days.


Yes, I remember the Sara Ramos from the IRC days. Remember I offered to meet her and she 'declined'. Claimed she worked in a hospital down in Baltimore. She said she lived in very rich region along the Potomac right outside the beltway. That's why I make the 'connection'.

I remember the IRC days on EFnet and DALnet.
Weester claimed to be a SEAL? What a load of crap. Anyone with the make up to be a SEAL would not harbor the anti American thoughts he has. I am disturbed by that claim. My dad was an original UDT trained in Florida during WW2. The only way we found out he was a SEAL (not called that at the time) was our family was informed as to what he did by the Navy when he died. Most who are in Special services don't talk about it, especially the SEAL's.
Weester, I had two brothers that between the two had over four years in Nam. I would like for you to talk to them and see just what you were doing there. One was on rivron as a deisel mac, so he would be well versed on what a true SEAL did. He was around them all the time.
Like I said in other post, you have zero credibility as far as I am concerned.
Well I dont think you all need to be making fun of someone who has served in the navy.

My dad was a navy seal in Vietnam and he was telling me most dont show up on the seal registration page anyways for security reasons.

It's kind of like those movies you see about navy seals, it's nothing like that, and the BUDS training is even more intense then what you see on those shows.
You're right, that post was in poor taste. Here's the one Weeester posted of him on deployment. My apologies for poking fun.
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