Water pump rebuild parts?


Active Member
May 25, 2001
Has anyone ever rebuilt one of our water pumps? If so, where did you get the parts from?

I powder coated my water pump a while back and it has just recently developed a leak. Instead of going through the hassle of getting a new pump coated to match, I'd rather just rebuild mine using my existing housing.
I suppose I could buy a new pump and take the parts from that, but that's twice the work and chances of damaging something as I press the new parts out.
I hate to brake it to u but I don't think you can rebuild the stock style Water pumps. If you find one that can please post it up here
Isn't a new pump like $13? Or was that the price on my lifetime warranty unit I bought in 1998? :)
just paid 30 bux for one earl, hard to find places that rebuild them anymore a friend of mine has a c2 vet took him almost a year to find someone that could do it with the original housing.
Yes, replacements are cheap, but you guys missed the part about the powdercoated housing. I want to to put fresh guts into my existing housing so I didn't have to get another pump coated and also because I believe the heat form the coating process may have shortened the life of the seals in my current pump. So putting new guts in after the pump is coated eliminates exposing the bearing and seals to that heat.

Any I found a source. www.Waterpumpman.com

I ordered the parts Friday night and had them in my hand Wednesday evening. He will also rebuild with your existing housing if anyone wanted to go that route.