Vinal interior paint?


New Member
Jan 2, 2002
Hey folks. I'm looking for some vinal interior paint that matches the tan interior in my 88 GTA. Since all of you folks have the same interior color, I'm hoping somebody can help. The local parts stores just have a generic tan color that's a mile off. I want to refinish my interior panels (scratches, stains, etc) as well as the carpeted surfaces. Do any of you know of a vinal/carpet paint that is a very close match to the original tan color? Thanks.;)
Go to a real paint store with your interior color code (they have books with the colors for your year listed, but the color code really helps nail it down).

Get some Prep-Sol equivalent and a clear coat. I use a flat clear.

Spray only enough to color the part and cover any imperfections. Too much and you fill in the grain/texture.

Clear coat and you are done. Looks like new.

I usually get Dupont paint, but there are several intended for painting interior parts.

Thanks for the reply. I stopped by the local parts house last week and asked them about interior paints. I was surprised to find out it's the same as the exterior paint, but with a dull additive. I'm going to have to start fooling with some spare panels. Thanks!
I can tell you this. I produces an extraordinarily thin coat but covers up scuffs and marks very well.
Originally posted by Grumpy
make sure the part is clean.....can you say "fisheye"

This deserves to be said again. MAKE SURE THE PARTS ARE CLEAN!!

Just think of 12 years of Armor All! Interior painting has to be done right the first time or you'll have one hell of a mess on your hands. You can't strip the paint and start over again!

Do not use any sort of paint thinners as they could damage the plastic! I'm not sure about Prep Solv. A good automotive paint supply house will set you up with a vinyl cleaner that won't harm anything.

I start by washing all of the parts with a degreaser such as Castrol Super Clean. I would wash the parts 3-4 times with the degreaser and a soft brush, then finish it up with the paint store vinyl cleaner. As a general rule, when you think it's clean, wash it again!

This is not a pleasant job but it does hold up for years if done right.

Sorry for the long post, but I've been there. There is nothing worse than seeing those huge ugly fisheyes come through your paint!

Good luck, Vic