Turbobuick Nationals


New Member
May 28, 2003
Anybody making plans on the new event? Turbobuick.com sponsored and only about 300 miles away in NC!!!!

Turbobuick.com Nationals

Looks like a good time and not too far. Steve! I REALLY need to get this hose to you... It's been sitting in my glovebox for about a year now... You busy today? I could just swing by and drop it off while I'm out errand running...

---Ron Jr.
How much longer are you out for? March is another 8 months away!!! I'll be 7 months deep into the shipyards at that point, so there should be NO reason they can't spare me for a week or so....
Hadn't opened the thread and realized that it is so close.....

I am not going to take leave for Christmas so I should be able to get a week off no problem in March.

I am going to go!