Tranny Cooler Recommendations????


New Member
Sep 4, 2008
Im wondering if any of you guys could recommend me a good tranny cooler,
I currently have a stock transmission, but am planning a tranny and engine rebuild this summer rwhp numbers should be at or above 500, I only want to buy the cooler once so should i buy a super huge one now, or will it over cool the tranny? Also, do you guys still run the coolers with the radaitor cooler or just disconnect the radiator cooler lines to the transmission? Should I run the radiator cooler and use a thermostat for the after market cooler. there are a lot of options, what works good for you and what is the simpliest most effiecent and effective way to add a cooler to the tranny?

Im wondering if any of you guys could recommend me a good tranny cooler,
I currently have a stock transmission, but am planning a tranny and engine rebuild this summer rwhp numbers should be at or above 500, I only want to buy the cooler once so should i buy a super huge one now, or will it over cool the tranny? Also, do you guys still run the coolers with the radaitor cooler or just disconnect the radiator cooler lines to the transmission? Should I run the radiator cooler and use a thermostat for the after market cooler. there are a lot of options, what works good for you and what is the simpliest most effiecent and effective way to add a cooler to the tranny?


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