tranny cooler / raditor


New Member
Jun 14, 2004
Hey guys I am going to a Dequick raditor from the stock one . When I look at the stock one the trans cooler lines run into it and then out and into the trans cooler that was the way it was installed by previous owner (the Dequick does not have trans lines). So it looks like he was using both . So my question is will the trans fluid get hotter by just using the front mounted trans cooler . thanks
The add on cooler is not the best way to keep your fluid temp down. The trans cooler in the radiator is meant as your main cooler and the addition of the external unit aids in cooling. The liquid to fluid cools much better than air to fluid.

One additional note is, have you already purchased your radiator.
You may want to give Nick Micale a call at Arizona GN's about a new product that is coming online with in a month or so.