The soundtrack to many a freshly whipped buick ass

ShouldofhadaV-8 said:
NisNutz is clearly envious. More of "I have a friend," or, "I know somebody" garbage. How come everybody either knows somebody, knows of somebody, or has a friend, but they almost always have nothing themselves?

The guy (Andrew) simply came on here to stir the pot and have a little fun for the upcoming meet that at least he's going to be a participant in. Plain and simple, 420 inches with a 106 is a big enough gun to eliminate alot of what's out there, whether it be a Ford, Buick or whatever.

I'm just sick of the race my (whatever), but its never race my car.

BTW, at the Orlando event, a guy went 6.96 on 10.5W's. If Andrew is running those tires or bigger, he has hope to run whatever he's looking to.
What are you talking about?Please enlighten me as to when I eluded to a friends car.As far as what I have all you have to do is ask :) I'll bet ya I have more money in my basement than you do in that turd mustang.Or was that my friends basement :D
Come on guys, Andrew is just playing around. The Noble event is good clean fun. If you recall Andrew comes on every year and gets the juices flowing.

Andrew it's all good with me. But, you better watch out. there's another group of Buick guys out there who've discovered this event. Oh, yeah baby, the big block guys. Now, we know you have a sturdy and strong willed "little" mount there but it's lacking in the "size" of it's heart. Since we just got a new block to build up some strong steeds of our own, keep your eyes glued to the mirror 'cause about 500 plus cid with a couple hairdriers will be coming up fast.

Seriously though, keep it safe man. A friends 2400hp 427 Malibu twin turbo car gets a wee bit loose at times. Hell, our 1350hp street twin Turbo 3rd gen Camaro is a handful sometimes.

Good luck in Noble. You'll need it. I think John Schmidt stepped up a bit. Rumors, you know.

PS. does anyone know if a Dart/Buick headed "corporate" smallblock can play. My friend is thinking about coming if it would be legal. It only runs 6.9x@202 on W tires.
Art...old Andy-roo must have figured out he would be running against a REAL 7 second car and decided not to show up?

I mean he did have an 8 second car last year,too bad it only ran what....9.4s? :eek:

Just messin with you Andrew,but really what happened to you?

I left before elims started but it seems to me there wasn't much of an ass whoopin given. :rolleyes:
sixgun86gn said:
Art...old Andy-roo must have figured out he would be running against a REAL 7 second car and decided not to show up?

I mean he did have an 8 second car last year,too bad it only ran what....9.4s? :eek:

Just messin with you Andrew,but really what happened to you?

I left before elims started but it seems to me there wasn't much of an ass whoopin given. :rolleyes:

I didn't quite have it ready. I made some 1/8th mile shakedown passes sunday at a local track... ran 5.76 @ 121 popping and banging above 6k rpm with it turned down as far as it would go.

Seems that the fords didn't need my help this year ;)
Like Andrew said, we didn't need his help this year, he called a few peeps to handle his light work for him. So what if you brung a 7 second car that threw flames out the pipes and blew up in the final. That was the SLOWEST FAT TIRE turbo car I have ever seen. It ran what, 7.99 in PERFECT weather and blew itself up in the final? I knew you old farts invested in butter stock the week before the race. Hell, who wouldn't knowing of all the Buick popcorn that would be made. All I saw this weekend was pissed off old men sleeping at the light, rolling through the light and if they did make it past the light, they where making fireworks all the way down the track. As your mother told you 65 years ago...." don't be a sore looser." Good day. :biggrin:
nisnutz said:
All that yapping and you didnt even show up?What a tool!!!

:D :D :D

lildumper, After years and years of gettn' your azz handed to you by a guys finally realized it gonna take a turbo on your V8 to even compete.

You still flappn'?? :confused:
Bah, I contributed to our loss by accidentally bumping the second beam before I had anything built up. I was racing a big tired car too, lilthumper, guess you did not see that car run if Art's car was the slowest chassis car you've seen run. Sure did not see any 7 second Fords. My matchup only ran .08 faster than I did in a street car, and my 60' was a second slower than my previous runs. Too bad we lost, it was fair and square even with all the mustangs running over a second faster in elims, but we did have a stronger field of cars.
lilthumper said:
Like Andrew said, we didn't need his help this year, he called a few peeps to handle his light work for him. So what if you brung a 7 second car that threw flames out the pipes and blew up in the final. That was the SLOWEST FAT TIRE turbo car I have ever seen. It ran what, 7.99 in PERFECT weather and blew itself up in the final? I knew you old farts invested in butter stock the week before the race. Hell, who wouldn't knowing of all the Buick popcorn that would be made. All I saw this weekend was pissed off old men sleeping at the light, rolling through the light and if they did make it past the light, they where making fireworks all the way down the track. As your mother told you 65 years ago...." don't be a sore looser." Good day. :biggrin:
i love this one. was it you or one of your butt buddy's that had the silver rustang with some smart a$$ $**** writen on the back window. that was pitted next to us. seems to me after having that inbreed, redneck statment. you got your a$$ handed to you by a little 6 cylinder? what happened? didnt bring enough car? wow you won by 1 race. guess it was because some of your faster cars were afraid to run anything faster than a 13 sec car. you guy's were sandbag city. mustang's are like fly's on $hit. every young dumb poor hillbilly can afford one and then run's out and buy's some n.o.s to think its fast. it take's a lot more than that to go fast with class. our low 10 sec and mid 9 sec car are driven daily with the air and cruise on getting better than 20 mpg. dont worry. we will be out in force next year. so if your ferd is still running. bring it! :biggrin:
Actually, I was in a 2003 Cobra that has plenty of class.
It has AC and I can drive it as far as needed.
I did not need a turbo to whip my buick.
I would hold the hillbilly comments. Not very nice.
Once again, didn't your mother tell you 65 years ago to mind your manners?
Sandbag this, sandbag that, you guys use that excuse every year.
Mind your manners?

Who exactly are the TROLLS here? :rolleyes:

Rallying cry for any further Ferd replys...

Heheh. So true, so true. The tall fat tires were chosen to ride in pillowy Buick comfort, you know, due to my aching joints, inflamed prostate and such. The osteoporotic babes I aim to attract with these derigibles think it's neato keeno boss. At my advanced age (which both bewilders and irks actuaries and the young alike), it is also a concession to diminished driving skills... and did I mention a craving for pillowy comfort? Because I have accomplished so little in life (can I get an amen?) and have no internal locus of reward, I am indeed bitter. Thus, my self-worth constantly fluctuates as a function of the wise judgment that the next stranger graciously offers (without me having to ask!) regarding my car, I mean me, I mean my car. All the small- or fat-tired V6 turbo cars I encounter on a regular basis eat my lunch every single time. I crave the humiliation or so my team of Dearborn-based psychiatrists says. Oh, the humanity. :D

LV GN said:
i love this one. was it you or one of your butt buddy's that had the silver rustang with some smart a$$ $**** writen on the back window. that was pitted next to us. seems to me after having that inbreed, redneck statment. you got your a$$ handed to you by a little 6 cylinder? what happened?

that was the car i raced...and he did lose... :D

Art - Hope you make it back stronger than before...
wants a tr said:
that was the car i raced...and he did lose... :D

Art - Hope you make it back stronger than before...
that is what i heard. so i wanted to rub it in a little and stir the pot. your buddy with the green mustang was a good guy. i was just kidding about the rest. when i found out that the silver car got beat i wanted to rub it in a little. i was going to put one of my stickers on his car when he wasnt looking and snap a photo for later use. :biggrin:
but got hung up helping other's. cant wait till next year!
Guys lol chill He wanted to wind yall up and looks like he did it!! The bottom line here is if he has a fast car that he put a lot of time and money into then my hats off to him. He is trying to compare a race car to a driver and it should not be close. If it is he really needs to try again! Our cars are rabbit nut fast , get good gas milage even with the air on, can seat 4 and still get a ton of looks on the street. If he put all that into it just to try and whip up on 6 cylinders lol I would say he needs to hunt bigger game and track cars only since thats what his is. Don't get me wrong, I have went to the track and put a lot of trailered cars to shame with my ac blowing cold and getting 20 plus miles to the gallon :biggrin: My T is the perfect combo to me, it does it all and I can drive it anywhere I want not just at the track! So don't let him get under your skin, ours is the real Fast with Class!!!!!! Daniel
JoyOf6 said:
Heheh. So true, so true. The tall fat tires were chosen to ride in pillowy Buick comfort, you know, due to my aching joints, inflamed prostate and such. The osteoporotic babes I aim to attract with these derigibles think it's neato keeno boss. At my advanced age (which both bewilders and irks actuaries and the young alike), it is also a concession to diminished driving skills... and did I mention a craving for pillowy comfort? Because I have accomplished so little in life (can I get an amen?) and have no internal locus of reward, I am indeed bitter. Thus, my self-worth constantly fluctuates as a function of the wise judgment that the next stranger graciously offers (without me having to ask!) regarding my car, I mean me, I mean my car. All the small- or fat-tired V6 turbo cars I encounter on a regular basis eat my lunch every single time. I crave the humiliation or so my team of Dearborn-based psychiatrists says. Oh, the humanity. :D


Nice to meet you and see your car in person Art. Pictures do it no justice. It was REALLY moving out on your second pass. Too bad, hope it will be back bigger and badder next year to break the Noble curse.
lilthumper said:
Like Andrew said, we didn't need his help this year, he called a few peeps to handle his light work for him. So what if you brung a 7 second car that threw flames out the pipes and blew up in the final. That was the SLOWEST FAT TIRE turbo car I have ever seen. It ran what, 7.99 in PERFECT weather and blew itself up in the final? I knew you old farts invested in butter stock the week before the race. Hell, who wouldn't knowing of all the Buick popcorn that would be made. All I saw this weekend was pissed off old men sleeping at the light, rolling through the light and if they did make it past the light, they where making fireworks all the way down the track. As your mother told you 65 years ago...." don't be a sore looser." Good day. :biggrin:

Funny I didn't see YOU post the fastest ET of the day...or ANY ford for that matter.So who's really the loser....good day.

BTW wheres that middle finger smilie when you really need it?
lilthumper said:
Like Andrew said, we didn't need his help this year, he called a few peeps to handle his light work for him. So what if you brung a 7 second car that threw flames out the pipes and blew up in the final. That was the SLOWEST FAT TIRE turbo car I have ever seen. It ran what, 7.99 in PERFECT weather and blew itself up in the final? I knew you old farts invested in butter stock the week before the race. Hell, who wouldn't knowing of all the Buick popcorn that would be made. All I saw this weekend was pissed off old men sleeping at the light, rolling through the light and if they did make it past the light, they where making fireworks all the way down the track. As your mother told you 65 years ago...." don't be a sore looser." Good day. :biggrin:

don't worry plenty of the fords are pulling their motors out this week as it seemed like every other one had to spray the hell out of it to beat their opponent while blowing oil halfway down the track.... but im sure thats normal wear and tear right? Sandbagging isn't an excuse its a fact. Its actually sad we were as close as we were considering its a pro tree and none of the turbo cars get more than 4 seconds to build boost, couple that with a bunch of "13" cough cough sec mustangs all of a sudden finding that extra 150 hp.