The soundtrack to many a freshly whipped buick ass

LV GN said:
johnco bronny just got told!!! lets face it. this is the ford guys only chance to rub it in. we will go back to kicking their a$$ by at least 33 cars next year. see you then johnco

That's right, you told me! I'll be sure to get my grandma to come out in her station wagon next year so you'll have someone to race. You and her can talk about Matlock (it's in syndication now in case you didn't know) and compare colostomy bags.
Chassis car I raced was 3 mph slower than my stock block, small tire, street car. Too bad I could not drive. .1 on the 60' and he would have been mine. But the difference is I can drive mine on the street anytime, anywhere, where I just about never see a stang that is even worth the gas.

Luck was on your side this year, that alright. We had a stronger field this year and you know it. I don't care about all the slow cars that did not use the bottle in qualifying.

All the cars that magically got OVER a second faster in elims, and we only lost by 1. It was still fun.
Bronco Johnny said:
That's right, you told me! I'll be sure to get my grandma to come out in her station wagon next year so you'll have someone to race. You and her can talk about Matlock (it's in syndication now in case you didn't know) and compare colostomy bags.
thats the best you got??
disco stu said:
....where I just about never see a stang that is even worth the gas.....

LOL, like GNs even exist on the street. I don't see any Ferrari Enzos on the street that are worth my time, so that means they are all slow.
Bronco Johnny said:
That's right, you told me! I'll be sure to get my grandma to come out in her station wagon next year so you'll have someone to race. You and her can talk about Matlock (it's in syndication now in case you didn't know) and compare colostomy bags.
besides. i took out my mustang. it was a fair race with no sandbaging.
I took out my mustang too, by 2 and a half seconds. He had a V8 and loads of nos, but hey I brought a knife to a gunfight. You still didnt answer my simple question, if we gott our a$$es handed to us 44-43, then what did we do to you the last 2 years???? knife to a gunfight indeed. Thats why I saw a turboed-347 go down fair and square to a stock block v6 turbo with an old geezer driving.
I took out my mustang too, by 2 and a half seconds. He had a V8 and loads of nos, but hey I brought a knife to a gunfight. You still didnt answer my simply question, if we gott our a$$es handed to us 44-43, then what did we do to you the last 2 years???? knife to a gunfight indeed. Thats why I saw a turboed-347 go down fair and square to a stock block v6 turbo with an old geezer driving.

You were obviously sandbagging then!!! Damn cheater. And so was the guy who beat the 347. Cheaters, every last damned one of you.
Bronco Johnny said:
I don't understand, are you saying there were some faster Buicks there that didn't race? You say there was more to offer, where was that at?? Oh, nevermind, I see.... you are doing that thing where you try to compare cars that don't show up to make up for being slow.

I am still trying to figure out what happened with the car that was the whole purpose of this thread?
86BGN said:
I am still trying to figure out what happened with the car that was the whole purpose of this thread?

He made some shakedown passes the week before and ran some high 5s or so and decided not to take it up there from what I understand. It had some problem with popping or some such. It's a fresh motor that cost god knows how much so I can't blame him. I'd have to work 120 hours a week at Taco Bell to afford something like that.
You were obviously sandbagging then!!! Damn cheater. And so was the guy who beat the 347. Cheaters, every last damned one of you.

I'm confused, is it against the rules to sandbag??

which is it?

How was this year an A%$ wooping??? We lost by one race. If that counts as a but wooping then how should we describe the last 2 years??? I cant believe how cocky you ford guys are about beating us by one race. We had 3 cars faster than their number 1 qualifier. All you can do is tell us how slow are chasis cars are like they are the fastest buicks we have to offer. Bottom line is we had ferd covered in the 9 and 8 second range. I enjoyed the event and dont mind a loss here but at least we will never lose as bad as ford did 2 years ago. 57-33 what a joke!!!! If I had a dime for every street encounter ive won with pathetic 4.6 mustangs, id be rich.

Bronco Johnny, direct simple question. If losing by one race is an ass whooping, what is 57-33?
jshilli1 said:
which is it?

Bronco Johnny, direct simple question. If losing by one race is an ass whooping, what is 57-33?

That's an ass whooping too. Of course, I should be making some excuses about how you guys were sandbagging or it was the pro tree's fault or George Bush's fault or the track's fault. After all, that's the thing to do on But I'm not going to be a vagina like that. That's just not me.
Bronco Johnny said:
. But I'm not going to be a vagina like that. That's just not me.
or is it? i think you just cant understand normal thinking! :biggrin:
LV GN said:
or is it? i think you just cant understand normal thinking! :biggrin:

If "normal thinking" = crying all over the internet everytime the Buicks get beat at Noble then no I don't understand it.
That's an ass whooping too.

So what do you consider "barely squeaking by". With an odd number of races, how could it be "close"? If Buick won by one does that mean Ford "barely won" because the bar is set low for them? Is - didn't get their asses handed to them a "win" for a mustang guy. That explains a lot of "kill" stories by mustang owners. Well he was only two car lengths ahead, so my mustang "barely" won.
Bronco Johnny said:
If "normal thinking" = crying all over the internet everytime the Buicks get beat at Noble then no I don't understand it.
i hope you bring a big stick next year my friend. i'll be looking for you. start fixxing and repairing daily now so your ready!
The good part about all this is, most of the Ford guys were good sports. I enjoyed talking with them in the staging lanes. When the race actually started, you could definetly tell that there is still a heated rivalry. They just cant accept the fact that our old V6s can spank their V8s today just like they were 17 years ago. Imagine if Buick was still in the game. Probably wouldnt be fair.