The Next time someone tells you how bad air pollution is...

Then you live in the space station with no outside air circulating in. Air is in you home and workplace. Maybe in AZ the air pollution is less but I can easily see the haze over Boston when I go down there. Since moving to NH 24 years ago my allergies have definately been reduced.

Air pollution is less all over.

That Haze over Boston was much worse in the 70's than it was today, though 1/2 as many people lived there.

If PM was the major driver for lung ailments, wouldn't truck drivers, Diesel engineers and aircraft ground crews have greatly increase lung problems because they are exposed to PM at rates 100's of time more than the average kid sitting in a classroom?

The government enacted asinine PM regulations (Clinton's EPA that didn't take effect until 2007) in the US that are costing us all money in higher transportation and food costs when PM emission are 1/2 of what they were before the regulations were enacted, even before the regulations took effect.

American Consumers are going to spend $1000's of dollars MORE for emissions controls to clean up air that is already clean.

But then the Government is great at fixing problems that don't exist, then saying "Hey everybody! Look what I did!"
This is on my GN,


I get a lot of attention from that sticker at the track. So much so I think Glenn Beck should give me some sort of kick back for all the people I have pointed his way to pick up a set of stickers for themselves. :cool:

That is awesome - and thank you for the good laugh!
I am going to put one on my V10 Superduty. :)
That is awesome - and thank you for the good laugh!
I am going to put one on my V10 Superduty. :)

Cool, that should make some people look twice. The only complaint I hear about these stickers are that they should be a tad smaller. I dont care, I think its large enough to do its job and because of that sticker my car doesnt get parked in a parking lot where I can lose line of sight to it.

Dont need an angry environmentalist keying up my paint job.
UN GN. I like the way you think.

Ridle me this? Why We continue to madate more and more equipment for vehicles every dar. My mustag had 4 cats. So does my Suburban. My buddy is a trucker and suffers with this new low sulfur fuel everyday. Then regular joes like us show up at the local sniffer and passes with out all that BS on a 20 year old car.
UN GN. I like the way you think.

Ridle me this? Why We continue to madate more and more equipment for vehicles every dar. My mustag had 4 cats. So does my Suburban. My buddy is a trucker and suffers with this new low sulfur fuel everyday. Then regular joes like us show up at the local sniffer and passes with out all that BS on a 20 year old car.

Every day there is a new study released that has statistical evidence that air pollution results in the deaths of tens of thousands of people.

I just saw one this week that says particles smaller than PM2.5 (and therefore not even regulated by the 2007 emission standards) can cause instant cardiac death of 70,000 Americans/year. It's conclusion wasn't even that it caused lung damage. It said they caused your heart to stop and you died.

Wow that's scary.

But then I thought, where are all these dead bodies? There should be dead people piled up at truck stops, race tracks, firework displays, camp fires, cookouts and thousands of other other activities than expose people to levels of these exact particulates at rates thousands of times higher than sitting at home watching TV or sleeping in their bed.

and yet, if you performed an actual study of actual deaths in the US, the number of people found dead in front of the TV or in their bed would be thousands of times more than those that die from being exposed to ultra fine particulates smaller than PM2.5 that supposedly are causing 70,000 deaths/per year.

The EPA function isn't to protect the environment anymore. It's an unstoppable funding generation machine that is above question.

If you ask it a valid question of what hard data does it have to justify doing something, you are labled an evil earth hater that wants to see children suffer.