staydown fuel doors


tx firefighter
Aug 23, 2010
I will be going to the local picknpull this weekend and wanted to know if there is any interest in these. I have sold over 100 of these on here under my old user name. These will be in nice shape or i wont even pull them. Price will propbably be $14 shipped in the US. Need one for my gn so i thought i would ask. Let me know.
Yes I'll take one. Shoot me a pm when you have it. I'm in TX as well. Thanks.
I assume you are talking about the "stay down" license plate holder. Please count me in.

Big response for these, this is great. I will get as many as they have and will sell them in the order of the replies to this post. I will post my paypal addy and pm my address for anyone needing to send check or m/o after i get my hands on some doors.
help a rookie out.stay down fuel doors????what models did they come on?do they have a latch or something???
I bought one a few yrs ago on here, let me just say everytime you fill up, you are reminded of what a great buy you got on this website. No more holding that freaken license plate down while fueling up.... this should have been on a recall bulletin, to retrofit the whole fleet.... :wink: Best couple of bucks I ever spent on the money pit.
