Stalling at anything past 1/4 throttle


New Member
Jan 11, 2002
I think I've found the problem, but would just like to make sure.

I've just had my car back up and running after a year off, and it's been running GREAT!, best it's run in a long time. Anyway, I drove it to work the other morning and it did just fine. I started it 24hrs later when I was leaving work and it ran fine. When I tried to drive at anything past about 1/4 throttle or less it would drop to very low rpms and throw a SES light. DS didn't show any codes though:confused: As soon as I let off the throttle it would run fine. Anyway I made my way home excellerating slowly. I recorded some on DS on the way home, and it looks like as soon as boost starts the O2 volts go down to 0. That's really the only thing that looks out of place. As soon as the throttle is shut down the volts come back up to normal.

So is this just a bad O2 sensor? BTW, I do have 116 leaded in it, just using up what was in the tank from the last time I was at the track. I'm guessing I may have fouled the O2 sensor with the leaded fuel.

Thanks for any help. Opie
You have suffered the "classic" symptoms of the MAF going bad. As a matter of fact, our description was so complete and detailed, It brought back memories of how mine failed a few years back.
Just happened out of the blue with no warning.

A leaded fuel correpted O2 sensor will cause the car to run a little worse than usual, but not to the extent of what you've described.
Agree with TurboDave's advice. Brought back some bad memories here too, or, should I say nightmares? :cool:
Well, I guess it could be the MAF, but I have an LT1 maf with a maf translator, and it's only got probably less than 100 miles on it. I'll check it out and all the connections.