Seturbo Wont Take Picture Off Website!!!!!


New Member
Jan 5, 2007
Please someone tell me how to get seturbo to take my picture off of their website!!! Its been three or four YEARS now and numerous emails and they still wont take my picture off of their website........:confused: Why would a vendor want to keep a picture of an ex-employee on their website anyways? I mean i guess they just dont want everyone to know they're a one man operation.

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
Call lawyer and get a letter sent if it is that big of a deal. A simple $75 letter with a lawyer letterhead would probably do the trick....

I not trying to be a prick or anything, but......who cares? Free publicity. Why does it bother you that much? Unless my picture randomly show up on, I don't think I would care.
well we didnt exactly have a good falling out. My last paycheck bounced, wouldnt call to be a reference for my brother to get a job, the list goes on and on. And overall he just runs a really shady business that i dont want to be associated with.
Like Qwiky said, if you really truly want it taken care of, take legal action. It's your name and your reputation, you shouldn't have to be associated with them if you don't want to be.
DMCA takedown notice to his ISP.. that will take the whole website down.
Yea.. the DMCA is thrown around quite liberally these days. Im sure someone can come up with a way to apply it to your situation.
Interesting.. I just left a message for him to call me about me taking my car up there and getting the frame notched...

Interesting.. I just left a message for him to call me about me taking my car up there and getting the frame notched...


Ive had em do work on one of my cars and it was a very pleasant experience.Good people and great work in my book FWIW