Scanmaster readings


I dont know anything!
Jun 14, 2002

I have something on my Scanmaster that I wonder if its false knock or real knock. Recently went down to the lowest timing on Erics chip... it was -1 on all gears from the standard settings.

I drive around with maybe 17-18 boost and have lesser knock now than I had before I took the timing down. But I still have this kind of knock telling me that o2:s is in for example 812 and the knock is 3.6 at the same mph, for example 57. I almost never get any knock telling me that the o2 mph is different from the knock mph.

Is this false knock from what I think is THDP or a gear change or is it real ?

I know... I shall get some methanol as soon as my EGT comes here. But I have to get this false knock out if its false knock.

Dont use the recall feature on the scanmaster for looking at this type of problem. Use your eyes and watch the scanmaster.. 57 MPH= 2-3 shift more than likely.

Now do this, roll into the pedal in 3rd gear.. watch the boost come up.. and watch the O2's. If its real knock, you'll see the knock number start to climb.. ie, 1,3,5,9,11 etc.. False knock will be 0,0,6,0,0,0 etc. If you hit would say 6. Some noise cannot be gotten rid of when the motor starts making power. The transmission shifts hard.. knock sensor will go off.

My old TTA on the 1-2 shift at 26+ PSI with slicks would sometimes show 40 degree's of knock. Then go to zero.

Hope this helps,

So the best "tuning gear" is the 3 gear ? Will I be safe if I tune in 3d gear and then go to a strip or something ? Or can I have knock issues in 1 and 2 that I will not have in 3 ?

Is the load on the engine highest in 3-4 gear ?

Ok, I was out with the car and did the 3 gear testing today.

Results as following... 3.6 1.6 0.7 and then 0.0 up to 110 mph...

I did a few of thoose and everytime it was something like that... another time it was 2.1 1.2 etc etc..

Decreasing knock is false, increasing knock is real ?

Yes, When readings seam to be increasing, the KR is real;For example........3.0,5.6,6.1.,8.0...ect.

Test at the top of 3rd gear. Usually 100+mph:eek:

Seems like you are ok to me. You seem to be tickling it tho.
