Question about leather


New Member
Mar 14, 2014
My 87 GN has leather seats that look like the cloth ones in that the headrest and color is black/grey with the Turbo 6 symbol The driver's seat has a tear in it. The passenger seat and rear seats are like new.

Is there a reputable replacement cover for this? Is it worth it to have a repair made? The tear is from the outboard edge seam.

I also have to wonder what leather even means in this car. My dad (passed recently) bought it new while I was in the Navy and to my knowledge it was delivered with leather. Was this common or did he have to order it?

I ask because it is the only GN that I have ever seen with leather. Not that I have seen many actual 87 GNs, but those few have all been cloth.

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Not up a picture so we can see the repair in question.


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I guess there are 2 tears. It's a shame that it got that way when the others are in such good condition. Hopefully something can be done that doesn't look too far off.

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Yes.. they look just like the first pic but in leather. I love that work! I will be talking to you very soon. I love that racing style one.

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