Prayer Request...



My wife lost a very good friend (Hal) to a plane crash over the weekend & his family could really use some prayers right now. :(

Here is a link to an article covering this tragedy:

Hal was a very experienced pilot & had built this plane himself. He had flown up to Colorado from the Houston area with a close friend for a fishing trip.

My wife Niki taught with Hal's wife (Suzanne) for several years & they stayed close friends after Niki moved up to the high school. Hal also taught at the same high school as my wife. You just never know when tragedy will strike, Hal and his wife had just retired this year & were planning to spend their "golden years" exploring the country together.

even though I only knew him for a short while, Hal was one of the best people I've ever had the pleasure to meet.

Doug C.
Thanks guys, it's appreciated...

I'm planning to print out the replies to this post & forward it to the family to let them know that people (even strangers) are praying for them.

Doug C.
I pray that God will take each family member and hold thier hand and comfort them as they go through the shock, anger and sadness of thier loss...

A pray goes out to you and your friends. When times are tought things always seem to work themselves out with time, love,and faith.


I lost my mother less than a month ago from heart attack.
She was working and taking care of business just days before.
She was only 67 years old. I can understand what the family is going through. Please let them know that I am praying for god to comfort their hearts. I pray that tey never lose Hal's memorys but the pain of his loss will be lifted.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me"

This brought me the strenght to go on and get back to work after my loss. I know that they can get by with the lords help.
"May they be with the Lord before the devil even knows they're dead" We will pray for the families during this tough loss. God bless them.

Praying with Aloha.....

The Buick Ohana here in Hawaii pray for your most unfortunate loss.

Hope you got my e-mail too.

They are in our prayers..., the Toelle family and everyone at PTS Xtreme.
