Please read Rollin

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Originally posted by WE4
Are you doubting my ability? If you think so you can try to "go over my head" but I really would recommend against it.

Ultimately? ROFLMAO!!!! Nice:D

Isn't taking complaints up the "chain of command" part of any appeals process?
I am starting to see where the members stand here.

We don't mean crap to them, only the Board matters. Who cares about the users.

I was trying to be the good little indian and make peace on the board and just take it to the person with final say and end it there. Now the moderators want to get in on the poop throwing. Gee and they say we evolved from Apes. Nah, I dont think evolve is quite the right word for it.
Bruce , How about I call you up (if thats your number) ... or better how about next time I am up north you can tell me how bad-ass you are to my face.:D
I didnt throw any poop. I didnt make any threats. And yes for what you seem to be contributing these days is a waste of bandwidth. I never incinuated I was as you call it "bad ass" But I will stand up for what I believe in and the rules of this boatrd. As far as it not being mine, does that matter? I keep it going and deal with more crap than you could ever imagine on a board that is free and run a buisness besides. When I start getting emails from 6998 other members about your actions my job is to "deal" with them. If you do not like it here you are welcome to move on which I have said 3 times total since I have been a member. It seems to me that you insist on causing trouble just to do it and I along with others do not appreciate it. As far as a power trip, I can tell you do not know me at all and from the sound of things dont really care to. Yes I am up north and if you feel that you would like to come up to get in my face over this, you are always welcome. What I think you will find is a good guy with one hell of an operation, very fair and well liked. I must be doing something right. I will say that Jason respects my actions and will not come here and fight this. This is why I am who I am. Senior this or that, I am still the one you have to deal with. I think if you sat down and talked either to me or sat back and looked at what I was trying to convey , you may understand.

With all of what you claim you can do it sure sounds like the power trip is on the other end. I dont hide from anybody and never will. Got no reason to. I still stand by my actions and the rules that have been set.

And YES those are my numbers, like I said, Never hide from anybody.....
Bruce , your an ass-hole that comes in here in full war trim over something as childish as the material in my posts. As far as my account goes , delete it. I don't want to be associated with a board that is moderated by such childish chicken **** pricks such as yourself.

You and Jason can shove the board. You run across me and you WILL hide and for good reason.

Now , go ahead and delete this post. Don't want to let anyone see it.

p.s. - Anyone that is on my side of this , thank you.

You know, my wife says the same thing! I thank you for solving my mental dilemma in that I knew something was wrong. The ass-hole part makes sense now. She says it , you say it, must be true. Cool, maybe it's time to find a good therapist.:D At least with you, unlike the wife, I didnt get the " See if your gettin any tonight" speech. That would have been terribly insulting.:rolleyes:

I think the Admin's and moderator's requests are fairly reasonable. They are trying to create an ordered enviornment for us to discuss the topics at hand. If there are any off-topic discussions, we have been provided with the lounge.

For the most part, they have been gentlemen, and when they haven't, it has always been because they have been driven to stray from such chivalrous ways.

This board used to be filled with many such gentlemen, and a horde of classy guys and girls but it seems a few whiners and troublemakers have hijacked the board recently.

Let's all be friends and swallow some pride. Make apologies, smile :) , be the mature adults we are, and if you really have a problem with someone send an email rather than stir up trouble for the rest of the members. I miss how friendly everyone used to be, and I know the friendliness is still out there, but its hiding because of the vitriol hijacking every thread.

I know this isn't really my place, but it makes me sad to see things come to this. I, for one, miss the class :(
Originally posted by Cryptic
I know this isn't really my place, but it makes me sad to see things come to this. I, for one, miss the class :(

Me too.....I've seen more of the moderators the past few weeks than I have in my many years on the board. Hell, I didn't even know who they were until recently.

Obviously this is not directed at Cryptic, but I hafta say it:

It seems like some people aren't getting the point yet. You don't need to find members to rally around you and sign an e-mail petition to change the rules. The rules are the rules. This is not a democracy. Your parents might have let you do whatever you felt like growing up, but when you get into the real world you'll find that life just isn't fair. Bosses make you do stuff you don't want to do, laws are imposed upon you, and you're actually held accountable for your own actions. It's called "adulthood".

What you need to do is buy your own domain, a server, some bandwidth, and start your own board with your own rules. The possibilities are ENDLESS - it's the INTERNET. Do your part to make it a little bigger. It honestly is not that hard. The hard part is keeping the environment what you had intended it to be. Your goals are pretty low, though, so it shouldn't be much of a challenge. You can have a "Made up Kills" , a "Kills with my Work Van" section, a "Look at how stupid I made the ricers look" section, and a "Member-Moderator Cage Match" section. You can wallow through the thousands of pissing contests, off-topic posts, and obscenities to find a couple of relevant posts that might actually be helpful.

But help and camaraderie wouldn't be an objective of this new board, so it shouldn't matter anyway. You think you could get 7,000 people to want to be a part of that circus? I doubt it. In a few months, it would be like the many ghost boards haunting the 'Net these days.

Everybody needs to chill and follow the instructions of the moderators. If you do not like the rules here, get your a$$ out. Some people have problems following rules for some reason. There is no reason to start personally insulting people over this, whether they are from Canada are because they are a moderator that does not agree with you. Jeez, let's try to be adults here boys.:rolleyes:
Keep up the good work Bruce and Rollin. Funny how an internet site is expected to accept anything posted from anyone yet magazines only print letters from readers at the publisher's discretion. Those bastards! :D
Originally posted by Cryptic
This board used to be filled with many such gentlemen, and a horde of classy guys and girls but it seems a few whiners and troublemakers have hijacked the board recently.

I totally agree, seems like a year ago this type of thing would never happen. There'd be the occasional troll that we'd all gang up on, but every other post now is just BS. I think some of the "newbies" need to get their act together or go somewhere else
Guys everybody calm down, I don't nessecarily agree to not posting other kills, because well the GN is always broken:rolleyes: So I end up taking my sisters Z28 cruising, but it is the MODS wish and they own it. You guys need to just need to make up, Bruce is a great guy who has helped me before and OnlyNeed6 you seem like a cool guy as well. Everybody lay off "Boostin" I like reading his stories, and if they were BS then they were fun to read, but what is so exotic about an NSX? All the other cars he list are cars I pull up next to on a daily basis. Any new members we get into the community should be welcomed, and not bagged on. Things change, and there are a lot of high class people, that help other board members all the time. I thought the freakin name of the section was KILL/Fish stories, and look up the meaning of fish story and you'll realize that until the name is changed to "OFFICIAL KILL STORIES THAT HAD TO HAVE HAPPENED" , then BS funny post should not be bagged on (I'm not refering to you boostin, I believe your stories, heck if I told half the stories of what I've raced on Westiemer, I'd have "BS" thrown right and left). Thats my little rant, so lets just all get along. PLEEEAAASSSEEE!!!

Yep. I agree 102.8%.

Note: Some areas, i.e. Westheimer and Kingwood are just full of exotic or expensive cars. On one night on Westheimer several of my fellow members and myself saw: two Ferrari 360 Modenas, an Aston Martin DB7 Vantage, three Bentley's, a Porsche 911 GT2, five Porsche 911 TT's (of varying ages and body styles), over a dozen "regular" Porsche 911's or Carreras, a handful of Z06's, two BMW M3's, and a BMW M5. Not to mention three Ducatti's and about eight dozen other amazing bikes. Some areas are just like that!

That was a fun night. Unfortunately we were in my Honda, and not a TR :(
Thanks cryptic, yeah I know what you mean as well, I always pull up to exotics in my 99 Z71 lol or my sisters 94 Z. But if i'm out in the GN, its once in a blue moon if I see a lot. But it has happened. Or I will see them but I'm either breaking in a motor or out of gas haha:mad:
I'm just curious.. who the gives a ratts ass what people post in kills section, or if another guy says the word ****? Besides - it's not like honda owners are posting about a hyundai they just killed, so what the hell is -the- problem?

you guys (WE4 and Rollin) the site seem to have a huge power trip ego problem, on totally fine threads, i come across "keep the language clean" and other crap like that...

isnt that why swear filters are enabled?

I come here to read about buick tech, but in the kills section, any type of cool kill story should be just fine.. why can't you guys just deal with it? You act like you have to pay thousands of dollars per month or something.. gee, last I checked you could do it for a couple hundred.. and that is HARDLY breaking the bank for 95% of the members on this board..

so, what's the beef? alright then.. moderation is for trolls.

Powertrip? Do You really think I am on a "power trip?"

You are so far from right it is pathetic. I dont like all the rules in life either but what be done must be done.
If you think I am on a powertrip, I will resign all of my duties right now and give them to you. One day of 60 emails whining of this and that you would throw your hands up. It also has nothing to do with money. It is hard enough keeping things in order without comments like that. If that were the case ANYONE who was ceo or top dog would be on a powertrip in your eyes. Somebody HAS to enforce rules. PERIOD!
It is so obvious that you do not KNOW us at all!!!

Power trip my arse! Somebody HAS to be the bad guy. I took the position to protect Jason. If you do not like that Jay, You too, are also welcome to type any message board address in you like other than this one. Why you guys insist on busting balls is beyond me. I try so hard to accomidate all. However out of 7000 members to have 10 that "just don't get it" or "just want to stir up crap" are VERY VERY good odds.
I will take my chances.......
Call me what you wish as it doesnt bother me all that much. Point is, "WE" Are NOT going away so it is conform or choose to leave.
As hard as this is for you to believe , it is not "us" that has the problem...... You figure it out. :rolleyes:

Happens every winter....

The Yankees get jealous of the good racing weather down south & freak out from cabin fever

The guys here down South get a mild dose of supeerioritee & revert back a couple of generations, devolving into swaggering red-neck mode

And the granola munchers out in La-La land either smoke something weird or freak out when their ex-yankee gene's kick in and they start suffering from "Where the heck is the snow and/or REAL weather" syndrome ;)

Look guys, IT'S A FREAKING MESSAGE BOARD put down the keyboards, drink some egg nog & ENJOY THE HOLIDAY!!!

Doug C.
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