Pictures from the 1st Palm Beach TurboBuick Meet for 2010

I change my work schedule so I work Sat NOT Sunday and you change the meet to Sat - Nice guys HA HA

Maybe someday I'll get back in the GN. The serious traction issues, lack of $ to fix it and time away from work have kept it garage bound for many months now. I haven't even gotten the window door seals I got for Christmas 2008 installed.
Glad you had a great time - at least I was thinking about you guys while selling guns at Dicks.

Terry Lives...

Hey Terry,

We were pushing for Sunday but today is Super Bowl Sunday and that would not have worked at all, so the next best day was yesterday. The next one will more than likely be on a Sunday afternoon. Well hang in there pardner and we will get together one of these meets.

I was in Indy last weekend. I'm also officially buickless. Sold the buick yesterday. Tried to talk the guy out of it, but he put the pressure on my and had cash!! Now I'm in the market for a 50k mile GN with mods to run low 11s and is really good shape.