Oil pump installing


Oct 28, 2008
I have a 1987 gn stock with factory oil pump which I just install a new oil pump kit. My question is after packing the oil pump gears with petroleum jelly to help prime. After the car has ran for a while do I change the oil again due to the jelly?
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Since you just shotgunned the pump gears, MAKE SURE you can turn the shaft by hand. If your pump is locked up and it's forced to 'self clearance', you're in big big trouble!

If it turns and you bust it off, see oil pressure and everything looks cool... I'd at least change the filter with a quality, non fram, unit.

As a general rule I always change the oil after I open up an engine.
I use a drill and priming tool to turn the pump with the oil filter off and catch the Vaseline with a drain pan as it comes out, and then continue to prime until I get clean oil. Put the filter on and continue to prime until oil pressure comes up. If you start it without doing this, then I would drain the oil and change the filter.
The Vasoline is such a small amount you will be fine. Next oil change will eliminate it. Now.......if you did a lot of other work to the engine, then change oil at 250-500 miles and cut the filter apart and look for copious particles on the filter. There will always be stuff on the filter. Just make sure you don't have glitter on the pleats. An arm hair or three is no biggie. (Unless you don't have any arm hair.............in that case you need to have a serious discussion with your engine)