NWS due to language - Don't Text and Drive

This amazing video shows why you don't text and drive

Show this to your teens if you have them or anyone else that you know that texts and drives.
Stupid Moron doing the video!! The dope would rather get video of a person crashing rather than call 911 to have him stopped BEFORE he hurts or kills someone else? What an Azzhole...

Mark how does one know that he was texting instead of driving drunk or having medical issues???

This video is a perfect example of today's society, "Wow let's just video this guy swerving and hopefully we see him bouncing off guard rails and cars" :rolleyes:......

Scot W.
Stupid Moron doing the video!! The dope would rather get video of a person crashing rather than call 911 to have him stopped BEFORE he hurts or kills someone else?

quote -
"Uploaded by seansymons on May 27, 2011

I was following a teen that was texting.

I called the police then followed him and video taped him.

He hit two cars... TEXTING and DRIVING is not worth it!!!!

The original video was given to police."
Cell phones, one of the many downfalls of our society. In the near future I think we will have cars that will not start if your cell phone is turned on.
Stupid Moron doing the video!! The dope would rather get video of a person crashing rather than call 911 to have him stopped BEFORE he hurts or kills someone else? What an Azzhole...

Mark how does one know that he was texting instead of driving drunk or having medical issues???

This video is a perfect example of today's society, "Wow let's just video this guy swerving and hopefully we see him bouncing off guard rails and cars" :rolleyes:......

Scot W.

Posting fail.
Cell phones, one of the many downfalls of our society. In the near future I think we will have cars that will not start if your cell phone is turned on.

Do we know if this was due to a phone call? NOPE, people tent to point the finger of blame to suit their own agenda without having all the facts.

It is not the cell phone that causes problems, it's the stupid people that think their call is more important then paying attention to their driving. Have I seen people driving crazily while on the cell phone, yes, do I think all cell calls should be banned while driving because of a few dimwits, NO. I run a small business and depend upon my cell to be productive. A responsible person driving on a cell call is MUCH less dangerous than an irresponsible person driving and eating a taco, hot dog or bowl of soup (seen this). A responsible caller is safer then someone changing the radio station while talking to a passenger.

Make the penalties harsh for the stupid cell users, not punish the responsible ones. Big Government telling me what I am incapable of doing due the the actions of irresponsible people is unjust !!!
Tell me how you would test for someone being "responsible"??? Most direct way is simply ban all texting. A simple look at the phone will show if it's been recently used for texting.
Tell me how you would test for someone being "responsible"??? Most direct way is simply ban all texting. A simple look at the phone will show if it's been recently used for texting.

Make the penalties harsh for the stupid cell users, not punish the responsible ones.

Take away my liberties because of another's stupidity?.....well that's just, stupid !! That's like banning all turbo cars because some ricers in Hondas street race.
Tell me how you would test for someone being "responsible"??? Most direct way is simply ban all texting. A simple look at the phone will show if it's been recently used for texting.

Exactly, it's not like you can give them a cell phone test to be sure they were responsible. I'm sorry, I have seen far too many idiots on the road driving like sh!t while talking/texting and with the younger generation coming up that can't go for more than a few minutes without texting this problem will only continue to get much worse with more accidents/deaths.
Take away my liberties because of another's stupidity?.....well that's just, stupid !!

A good bluetooth radio connection solves talking on the phone while driving. I use mine that way. No loss of "liberty" that way.
That's like banning all turbo cars because some ricers in Hondas street race.

Why should I be deprived the ability to use my cell RESPONSIBLY because some young kid's parents did not teach them to take responsibility for their actions. Maybe if I post in all CAPS you will understand, MAKE AND ENFORCE LAWS THAT PUNISH THE IRRESPONSIBLE, NOT THE ONES THAT ARE RESPONSIBLE !!! This goes not only for cell phones, it goes for all things from guns or cell phones to fast cars or alcohol !!
OMG! I dont know who is the bigger idiot, the guy texting or guy video taping it. texting while driving is almost as bad as driving under the influence. sometimes worse.

u have to be a real idiot to want to get that close to someone cause when the car in the opposite lane avoids the guy texting he will now be coming into ur lane likely.

and if u call the police to report him ur now talking on ur cell phone while driving then the guy behind you will be calling the police on u for driving while on ur cell phone. I guess u just cant win sometimes.

that guy or woman texting would also be charged with reckless operation. what a schmuck
Hard to tell how fast they were going, but seemed to be driving at a pretty good clip too.
Texting while driving is just plain stupid. No reason it cannot wait until you get where you are going. Calling is a completely different action. It allows you to watch the road, and if you can multi-task, its safe. However texting makes you take your eyes off the road, and is not safe. I personally do not text, nor call. It is punishable by taking my license away :(. JOL laws ftw!
The guy video taping was driving pretty close to the car in front. When I see people like that I lay FAR behind.
It doesn't surprise me bad drivers are every where. Distraction like phones,eating while driving(oops guilty)women puting on make up etc. We have a law in Kentucky about texting while driving it hasn,t had affect people still do it. It's alot about the culture i have taken my sons phone away and it about killed him lol but I hope it had some effect! I dont like any laws (seatbelt,helmet etc)but i wear my seat belt and when I race or ride I wear my helmet my choice (well not the track lol)If the kid was texting he should lose his privalges for along long time. Thank god noone was killed.
I dont care as long as they don't ban road-head.
I cant tell you how many times that has prevented me from falling asleep at the wheel driving home late
I dont care as long as they don't ban road-head.
I cant tell you how many times that has prevented me from falling asleep at the wheel driving home late
